November 18, 2015

25 Days of Christmas Tags - Day 17

Welcome back for Day 17, if you are just arriving for the first time all the details and the linkup can found HERE.

Today I have Altenew as my guest along with some of their designers. Altenew is both a guest and a sponsor offering to one lucky winner a $25 gift certificate for their online store!

Established in April 2014, Altenew strives to bring elegant, natural and versatile designs in paper crafting products. Altenew firmly believes in sharing happiness and comfort with our loved ones through creative expression of crafting. We know that personal, delicate touches of a hand-made card or scrapbook page can bring joy to people that are important in our lives and we are proud to create products that help inspire alluring projects/creations.

..and one from me!

Gifts or gift cards? comment for your chance to win.

The MAIN event blog post is where you will find the participate to win link up!

The 25 Days of Christmas Tags 2015 Pinterest board is live and updated every day with all the inspiration from the event!


Emma Rose said...

Gifts :). Lovely tags

cm said...

Yet more pretty happening, Tracey! Your star is a simple, lovely WOW! Gifts and gift cards: a little of both!

~amy~ said...

These are all gorgeous..I tell you, bloggie land has been sooooo busy with tag making because of you!

LauraJane:) said...

Gift cards!!

Donna said...

These tags are so me... I absolutely adore them :)
I prefer buying gifts for people - especially when I know what they want... but some prefer gift cards, don't they? They are easier to wrap, that's for sure!
I'm going to go back and look at these tags some more now :)

Lorie said...

LOVE the tags! I don't have a preference of GC or all depends on the person who is receiving the gift and where they are located. :)

diana said...

Great tags!
I give both. ;-)

Crafty Math Chick said...

Such lovely tags! I especially love that pretty outlined pine cone. We give gifts and gift cards out during the holiday season - depending upon what the recipient prefers or requests. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Aileen said...

Gifts for the little ones but once the children, grandchildren etc reach 16 they like to pick their own so a giftcard is a better option. Certainly not cause Icant be bothered but because I would rather they had something they wanted than a gift thrown to the side.

Rachel Bergfeld said...

I live really far away from my family, so I typically choose gift cards. I don't get to see them at Christmas, so I send them a gift card about a week early so they can either buy themselves a gift in time for Christmas or wait until the sales after Christmas if they want. I know it's more impersonal, but it gets super expensive to ship a bunch of presents and this way they get exactly what they want!

Greta said...
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Marilyn M said...

Sometimes I give a gift and a gift card.

KandA said...

More super inspiration tags. Gifts or gift cards? My daughter lives in Australia so it's easier to send her a gift card and post out a little fun gift. My Dad is a keen gardener so if I can't get a good present then I always fall back on a garden centre voucher so he can spend it when he likes xx

cghundley said...

These tags are all so
pretty! I love the idea
of the burlap tag. Would
work for lots of celebrations.
Carla from Utah

TK said...


Mary Holshouser said...

I would rather give gifts but everybody buys what they want when they see it so it's hard to find something to buy for them. I have the same problem when they ask what I want - I don't know.
Gift cards seem like a cop-out though.

Miriam Prantner said...

Wonderful tags! I love these Altenew images! I like both. Some people are excellent gift givers and have a knack for finding the right thing for you, some are not. Ha! So it depends. But a really well thought out gift is always better than a gift card I think.

Brandi R said...

Beautiful tags! LOVE Altenew ♥

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Oh these are gorgeous! I like to give both as it depends on what someone really wants... But gifts are more fun hehehe!

Jinny Newlin said...

Elegant seems to be the word for these beauties! I prefer gifts, but sometimes, a gift card fits the shoes better, especially when the recipient always seems to have everything. So, I guess my answer is BOTH ;). Blessings, love!

Lindarub said...

I like giving gifts.

Janet's Joy said...

I love Altenew!! I do gifts and some gift cards too!

Marisa said...

Love the hanging star on your card :) I do both gift cards and gifts, depending on the recipient. If I know the person well and can find a gift I know would work for them, I prefer to go that way. But if I can't find anything, then a GC it is.

Renee said...

And even more gorgeous tags. :)
gift cards are 12th hour options only. :)

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

Swoon!!! Love these (and I'll get around to commenting on the rest of these blog posts one of these days). Off to post my latest Tracey inspired tag.

Lisa Elton said...

I'm having such a good time seeing all of the tags being shared here Tracey!! Today is no exception, these are marvelous!! I do both gifts and gift cards. I would prefer to do a gift, but sometimes a card seems better for the individual!

Rema DeLeeuw said...

Beautiful tags by all! I usually give gift cards or money.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

These are just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rahmat said...

Beautiful tags, the burlap one is very unique. Your one is simply gorgeous Tracey!

Barb Ghig said...

Love your CAS design and the deckled edge along the bottom of your tag is fabulous!
I do gifts for the children and gift cards for the out great :)

Monika/Buzsy said...

Beautiful tags ladies. Love the pretty Altanew images. That star is super on your tag Tracey. Gift card... I am fussy. I like to buy the exact thing.

Anonymous said...

I reeeeally love these tags! There is something about Altenew's products that makes creations look soo elegant and sophisticated! ... I like to pick out gifts, usually I will just buy gift cards If I don't know someone that well.

Barbara said...

Mostly gifts for the little ones and gift cards for older unless I find out what their little hearts desire! :)

Meg Giroux said...

These are beautiful!
I would rather give gifts instead of gift cards.

Megan said...

So I'm totally not anti-gift card. For example, I would LOVE a gift card to SSS or EH People couldn't really shop crafty supplies for me, but it would be great joy for me to shop :) Kids, gifts. Adults and teens, gift cards.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Tags, tags, and more tags! I am seeing tags everywhere - you are an inspiration, Tracey! Love the simplicity of your tag. Everyone's tags are gorgeous! Gift cards are wonderful to give and receive so I vote for gift cards!

Kara Lynne said...

What great tags! I love giving gifts, but with people I don't know well, I like to give gift cards so they can get something they want.

Lindsey said...

Gorgeous tags today. :) Gifts whenever possible. I have been known to resort to gift cards. :D

Sharron said...

Mostly gifts! These tags are all so very pretty!

MelissaF said...

Love these tags. Love your red on white star, simple and elegant! I usually give gifts, except for the teens in my family. They always ask for gift cards for after Christmas deal shopping.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! I love Altenew.

Sandi said...

Love the classy stamps of Altenew! That burlap tag is awesome!! Gifts AND gift cards...bring them on!!!

Kristie Maynard said...

Thanks for more inspiration, so beautiful. I do both gifts and gift cards. My favorite gift card gift is for my 92 yo aunt. Every year I give her a variety of gift cards from restaurants, mostly fast food, it's what she likes and at 92 I think she can eat whatever she wants. $10 goes a long way when you only order a burger and a senior coffee. She loves her gift cards.

Denise Bryant said...

Gorgeous tags today! I so look forward to your posts every day to see what inspiration I will find!
Gifts more than gift cards! Gift cards are my emergency back-up plan!

Peanut said...

Gorgeous samples today... LOVE Altenew stamps.
hugs Asha

nic_003_5 said...

gifts, unless desperate. beautiful tags, love the winterberries

cghundley said...

Forgot to mention
that I like gift
cards also!
Carla from Utah

Tina Z. said...

Great colors and blending!
I prefer gift cards, especially for craft stores :))))

TracyM #6773 said...

LOVE the CLEVER sentiment on your star ornament Tracey - such a PRETTY and COOL design!!!
We give a combination of gifts, gift cards and cash. While I prefer giving gifts, it means that we've given thought then taken the time to go out, buy it and wrap it, these days it is getting more difficult to do and often they are saving towards something much bigger / more expensive and pool their gift certificates & money towards it, so I'm happy to go with GCs and cash, making them into gifts with handmade gift card holders, pillow boxes or little gift boxes :)

Helen Gullett said...

Lovely and beautiful tags from Altenew today! Love the beauty of the winter nature.
I prefer gift than gift card :)

mandalj said...

Such a variety of tags, all beautiful! Gifts or gift cards - really depends on the recipient, how well I know them and if they need or want anything in particular.

Karen said...

Gorgeous! I have more ideas than time!

Sandy said...

Your tag is so crisp and clean.
I prefer giving gift cards so people can get what they want and I don't have to mind read to figure out what they really want or need.

Birgit said...

Beautiful tags! the first is my favorite. Stunning!!
Gifts, homemade especially!

Anonymous said...

I prefer to give gifts but gift cards work on occasion.

Anonymous said...

I like to give gifts but there are those folks who I give gift cards every year.

Marsha said...

I prefer gifts to gift cards but sometimes gift cards are a better option than mailing gifts.

TaeEun said...

Beautiful tags! Your CAS tag design is gorgeous! I prefer gift. But sometimes a gift card works better.

Dr Sonia S V said...

In India gift cards are not very popular so we too end up giving gifts or cash. If the recipient is a child I always try to give a gift!! Such beautiful creations on this day the way you added sequins to the star tag
Dr Sonia

Diane Jaquay said...

All of these are so elegant! I love to give, and receive, gift cards!

Monika Reeck said...

I like to give a GIFT
and the ladies made stunning TAG wooohoo and I see the name are they from Rusia...they have different style as USA and Europe tag from you too love the red and white color combo always Tracey
see you around dear

Judy Tuck said...

I prefer receiving gift cards and giving gift cards!

Marilyn said...

Beautiful tags. Gift cards works best for us and the recipients. They are accompanied with a handmade card or tag.

Berina RGA said...

I prefer giving gifts!! Love today's tags!! Love Altenew stamps!!

Laraine R said...

Gifts but sometimes a gift card is what they want and then I usually give a gift with it.

Greta said...

I love today's tags--every one of them! I was just looking at my burlap which hasn't been used in ages, so now maybe I'll get another tag made. I love your fresh, modern design, Tracey! We mostly give gift cards these days, but I miss not picking out presents & wrapping them.

Amy C. said...

I like to give just depends on the person.

Super Stick Chick said...

Fabulous tags,all so different and wonderful. I do both gift cards and gifts, depends on the person and were they live.

Marlyn Rojas said...

Wonderful tags! I like to give both.

anja curvers said...

Wow wow wonderful tags.

New Creations said...

I love all Altenew creations, so beautiful and Your one is so simple and elegant with bold red star! I prefer to give gift cards and receiving too!

Unknown said...

Fantastic tags!
Altenew is becoming one of my favorite stamp companies!!!

Lindsey said...

Love these! If I can find the *perfect* gift, then most definitely gift, but if not I sure do love to give (and even receive) gift cards.

Anita in France said...

So very pretty, Tracey ... all of them! I prefer to give gifts ... although sometimes a gift card is just the right gift! Hugs, Anita :)

Marianne said...

More pretty tags.
Gifts or gift cards? Neither, since we don't exchange gifts at Christmas.

Kimberly Rendino said...

Love all the Altenew goodness today! I say gifts unless you are completely stumped as to what to get. Gift cards are fine, but I love unwrapping presents, so I try to do the same for everyone on my list!

Nana Griffin said...

I do mostly gifts but a few gift cards also.

Mary-Anne V said...

Now a days I really like gift cards. Love your one layer tag.

Christine said...

Pretty tags! I do both, for the teens I get gift cards to their favorite store.

Anonymous said...

Great tags today!! I like to give gifts and gift cards too:)

ionabunny said...

Gifts. Preferably handmade. Hugz

Linda said...

I like to buy gifts but for those hard to get people, GCs.

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

I actually don't like shopping at all, so can I say c) none of the above? Bah humbug. I've given plenty of gift cards.

Ruth G said...

Wonderful tags! I love the clean and simple design of your tag so much with just a hint of shine with the sequins!

I love choice, so I'm all about gift cards! When I give them, I make something special to put them in.

Thanks so much for sharing!

Jean Bullock said...

Gift cards. And for my children and older grandchildren- they get money. That's what they want. That's what they get.

Joyce said...

Love your tags for today. That star with the white on red on white is fantastic. Gifts or gift cards...I'm always happy to have any sort of gift.