Happy Sunday crafty friends!
I can't even begin to tell you how done I am with winter and the mountains of snow we have gotten this year! Today we are having another snow storm. Every window I look out has a wall of at least 5' of snow and growing. The snowbanks at the road are at least 10' tall and we are running out of places to put the snow! Poor Jax is wondering where all his grass has gone! So if the groundhog was right this should all be done in a few weeks--ha ha, not likely!
Moving on to something more interesting and fun, the newest challenge at The Color Hues Color Challenge has started. The Colours for challenge #104 were picked by my teammate Bonnie Klass and she chose fabulous Coral and Yellow!
I started off by stencilling my background using the new Concord & 9th Kristina Werner Love You Lots stencil. I used Catherine Pooler Do Si Do, Coral Cabana, Tiara and Catching Rays ink to for my background. It's such a creative stencil because the four layers fill a half sheet, 8 1/3" x 5 1/2", piece of cardstock. Once completed you can either cut it in half for two cards or score it so that your card is stencilled front and back. I trimmed mine down to 5" x 3 3/4".