November 23, 2014

25 Days of Christmas Tags - Day 21

Well here we are at Day 21!

I hope that you are still enjoying the tag inspiration. I think I could go on forever with these tiny little canvases. Keep loading your tags into the 25 Days of Christmas Tags Flickr Group, they look fantastic.

As we move through the 25 days you have a new opportunity to enter for the prize draw every single day! The main prize draw HERE has five opportunities for you to enter and all the other days from Day 2 on you have one opportunity a day.  You also have an opportunity every day to visit my guests and comment on their blog posts for yet another chance. As long as you enter on or before November 27th 11:59 pm EST and follow the entry guidelines.




Another treat for you today as I have the Curtain Call Crew from the Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge guesting with me today. We are sharing Christmas tags that are inspired by the current challenge Pin Cusion. You still have one more day left to link up to Pin Cushion HERE.

Here we go...

For my design I wanted a more homespun feel, so I used dies with stitching detail for all of my elements and used the colours in the Pin Cushion Inspiration.


For a chance to win one of the prizes leave me a comment telling me if your Christmas style is more traditional, country or modern?

Thank you to the Curtain Call Crew for sharing with me today as my guests.

Don't forget to comment on each of their blogs for another chance to win!


Alanna said...

Fabulous tags from the team. I love the gingham on your tag Tracey.

~amy~ said...

Yay! All the tags are wonderful!
Tracey, love the gingham!

Kara said...

Ooooooh. Love all of these!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wow wow wow!! So many beautiful tags today! So gorgeous!! LOVE them all!!! And mine is more traditional! :)

Lynn said...

What a line up of designers! Love seeing their different styles Tracey.

Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan said...

Hello! !
Every day, I have to subscribe to the nice blog.
Thanks! !
Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan

Isabel Z said...

I guess my Christmas style is traditional.

Anita in France said...

Oh, Tracey, this is so cute ... what a wonderful country feel you've created with the gingham and stitched detailing! Fab tags from the Curtain Call Crew too! Anita :)

Kristie Goulet said...

Great eye candy this morning! My Christmas style is pretty traditional.

Janet's Joy said...

Beautiful tags once again Tracey!
My décor for Christmas is traditional.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Hi there, fellow Canadian! I'm in Nova Scotia :-) My Christmas style would be more traditional - this comes from my childhood - great Christmas memories!

Great tags today - I love seeing all the different tag shapes and dies that everyone uses! I can't believe we're on Day 21 of 25 already!

stampwithsandy said...

Wow, what a gallery of tags! I seriously need to start making some myself! I'm a very traditional girl when it comes to Christmas.

diana said...

Great tags! Thanks for the inspiration! ;-)

Gerry said...

My style is a combination of traditional and country.
Thanks for the giveaway!

I Card Everyone said...

I've gone through every style of Christmas over the years. Now I tend toward modern, a simpler, cleaner look. More about less cleaning/dusting than anything if being honest...
=] Michele
Love each and every tag!

richardbreaks said...

We are a blend of traditional and modern at our house. I'd prefer modern,mouth the collection started when we were still traditional, and how can you NOT put everything out?!

Barb said...

Amazing tags today - wow! So many wonderful ideas!

Lizzie T a/k/a Wifelady said...

Super cute tag! My Christmas style is more traditional but with touches of modern :)

Tenia Nelson said...

Love your tag, Miss Lady!! The Curtain Call ladies ROCKED it as always!! :)

Marilyn M said...

I have a traditional Christmas style. Love the bookmark die as a tag.

Pam said...

Love all these fab tags! My style is traditional.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

These are amazing! Love seeing so many different tags and styles!

Rubeena I. said...

modern! love the tags!!!!

Laura Norris said...

Very fun tags today! I really like your homespun one!

Jean Bullock said...

I love gingham. It looks great on this cute tag. I don't have a real Christmas style but I suppose I like the traditional use of colors and symbols. Probably also lean toward country.

Amy C. said...

My style leans more towards the traditional but with a bit of whimsy!

Marisa said...

Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to play along with your challenge, Tracey :) So. Much. Fun!!! Love your country tag too. HUGS!

Lindarub said...

Love The colors in your tag.

Renee M said...

Another day of adorable tags! We are kind of all over the place with our Christmas style and most things we have have a special meaning, so I'm totally okay with the hodge-podgeness of it :)

Kimberly Rendino said...

I'm definitely a traditionalist when it comes to holiday stuff. But I've definitely been known to do cutesy too!!!

Sue McRae said...

Great group of very festive tags! I think my Christmas style is on the traditional side with a smidge of modern thrown in.

Sheri Gilson said...

What a fabulous event and so much inspiration! Thanks so much for letting me join in!

Unknown said...

Wow, another super bunch of tags! I favor a traditional Christmas

Iris said...

I would say my Christmas style is more traditional.
isoscia at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

The tag is so pretty. It does feel homespun. I don't know what my decorating style is - I don't do a lot any more. Probably more modern I guess.

liz said...

I like your vintage look tag. Very cute.

Kay Miller said...

Oh so much inspiration in one place! These are all lovely! Your little gingham tag is just adorable Tracey! My Christmas style is all of them! haha! Sounds funny, but I get tired of one thing and I love all of those styles, so in different places in the house, I have a little bit of all of it!

Kris in Alaska said...

Wow on the tags! I'm a traditional decor type person myself!

ktfabian said...

Thanks for another day of great tag inspiration! I tend to lean toward the more traditional Christmas. My happiest memories as a child at Christmas were with my grandparents, and I think that's where a lot of my style and traditions come from.

cghundley said...

Fun tag and I
go for traditional
designs for Christmas.
Carla from Utah

Denise Bryant said...

awesome tags today! love your sweet tree on that gingham background!

Denise Bryant said...

forgot to say I like traditional!

Annette Allen said...

wow these are all amazing.. I have enjoyed all of these awesome tags. . can't wait to see more.

Monika/Buzsy said...

Awesome cards ladies! You are all so creative. Love being on the same team with you! Tracey, love the country style tag... the stitched tree looks so sweet. Because we like silver and blue, I'd go with modern...

Joyce said...

How can it go on, day after day, so much incredible inspiration and no repeats ever. Love the creations for today. Hmmm.. my Christmas style is beachy Jewish. How's that?

Barb Ghig said...

Beautiful tags from the Curtain Call team! I really love that you chose the stitching detail for your tag today! The tree is so charming and I love, love the red and white gingham's just perfect!

I'm not sure where my style falls in, but I love a Victorian theme for my tree and home, maybe that's traditional :)

Sue D said...

Love the homespun look!

pcm said...

awesome tags! love the joy dies!

BeverlyBL said...

Lots of cute little tags today. I love your gingham.

Kim Heggins said...

Wow...what a wonderful collection of tags! I love them all and all the wonderful inspiration too.

Sandi said...

Love all these tags today....awesome inspiration. My taste runs a little along the whimsical so I am not sure which of your catagories that falls into....maybe modern?

Lisa Elton said...

Once again I just love the variety here today!! And your sweet gingham tag has a wonderful homespun country feel!!

Anonymous said...

Great tags!! My style is more traditional:)

Karenladd said...

Love these whimsical tag design!! That big bell die cut is fabulous!

TracyM #6773 said...

SO MANY FABULOUS tags - FUN shapes and layers :)
LOVE your tag Tracey, the stitched edges of your Christmas Tree & star look so SWEET against the pretty shaped gingham base!!!
THIS YEAR I am going with modern style and feel quite excited to be so ADVENTUROUS!!!

Michelle said...

An amazing variety of tags today!! Off to craft a few more!
I think that my holiday style is modern/traditional combo!

Barb said...

Love the tags today. I am a traditional color stamper- red, green, white but I mast say that this year I ventured into shades of blue and even teal, pink, red and green-thanks to Lawn Fawn.

Mary-Anne V said...

Wow what great tags! I love your stitched christmas tree.

Pam T. said...

Lovely tags! You've inspired me with some great tag ideas. We stick to more traditional in our home!

Rene said...

I love all these tags! What a great idea so close to Christmas. My Christmas is country!

Sue D. said...

Tracey, your tag has a real 'homey' look to it. It's great to see all these different designs. I would say that I am more traditional in my decorating style.

Crystal said...

Great tags! Such inspiration. I don't guess I really have a Christmas style. My home Christmas decor lambs toward country but in paper crafting in all over the place. I just do what the stamps tell me to do! I'm probably more whimsical than anything.

cm said...

Another array of amazing with these tags, Tracey! Your gingham tag with the sweet tree: swoon alert! LOVE this!

wendipooh13 said...

ohhhh soooo gorgeous!! I'm drooling..
my taste is more modern with a bit of rustic

Shona Chambers said...

Funny how gingham can automatically make something a little bit country!! I'm definitely a modern Xmas girl, lots of white and no layers.

DeeDee said...

Love them all! Mostly traditional is what I use!

Unknown said...

These are awesome...

My Christmas decor is more traditional...probably because I love red and silver... :)

4Ucards said...

I love all these tags. My style is more modern. I like clean and simple with bright colors.

Megan said...

So much fun variety with this group. You've gotten the whole card crafting community involved! I guess I have a little bit of mix of traditional and modern.

karenelr said...

These tags are utterly amazing! I am so glad everyone has such creativity to share!

Kathy Mc said...

Awesome tags! My Christmas style is definitely more traditional.

maria f. said...

Love your tag, Tracey. You totally captured that fabric-y goodness.

Barb K said...

Love all these tags and am CASEing them as we speak lol! I'm more traditional in what I make but sometimes go outside the box - thanks for sharing!

Chark said...

cannot believe what a lovely variety there is today--love!

Indy's Designs said...

Great collection of tags! I'm so impressed!

Sharron said...

Fabulous tags by all! Love your country design! We have a lot of nature themed decorations and I guess the style is mostly country.

Samantha F. said...

These tags are providing a lot of inspiration. I'm more of a traditionalist but I also like a contemporary Christmas style.

Lindsey said...

These are amazing! Truthfully, my Christmas style is all 3, so much so that before kiddos I actually decorated 3 different trees each year. I just could never decide what style/decorations I liked, so I used them all.

My Paper Epiphany said...

I love all christmas styles - depends on my mood! I'm definitely making non traditional style a lot more this year.

ionabunny said...

Love your tag. Definitely prefer a traditional Christmas. Hugz

Teresa Doyle said...

Love, love, love all those tags! I am from Nova Scotia and we are kind of traditional & country. I guess its a comfort thing for us but we like a good mix of the two styles.
BTW, Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends...

Jamie said...

Incredible tags today! So many different styles and I'm getting introduced to new blogs-lol

Helen Gullett said...

WOW these tags are amazing. Love the metallic, deer head and shaker :)