November 20, 2014

25 Days of Christmas Tags - Day 18

Day 18, I hope you are staying warm where you are.
On Wednesday we started off with a sunny day by the late afternoon the flurries moved in...

What a difference a few hours made...

Thank you so much for loading your tags into the Flickr Group, they look fantastic.

As we move through the 25 days you have a new opportunity to enter for the prize draw every single day! The main prize draw HERE has five opportunities for you to enter and all the other days from Day 2 on you have one opportunity a day.  You also have an opportunity every day to visit my guests and comment on their blog posts for yet another chance. As long as you enter on or before November 27th 11:59 pm EST and follow the entry guidelines.




Today I have a sweet and talented friend with whom I also share a birthday with, welcome Wanda Guess. Wanda's blog is A Blog Called Wanda. Wanda is extremely talented and she does the best blog photo tutorials. If you haven't been to her blog before, you must go and check out her awesome talent plus see a few more photos of his project.

I never tire of Winter Bunny and I created a little scene for him on my tag. I die cut a hill but it wasn't the right direction for my slope so I did a little trick. I die cut the hill and then cut the hill with the same die as the tag, but I tilted it to the orientation that worked for my slope. Then I die cut the trees with the Forest Border die and cut each tree off and adhered them to the hill which I then glittered with Star Dust Stickles. I heat embossed the sentiment in white, coloured the bunny and added him with foam tape.


For a chance to win one of the prizes leave me a comment telling me whether or not you have seen snow this year where you live?

Thank you Wanda for sharing your Christmas inspiration as my guest today!

Don't forget to comment on Wanda's blog when you visit for another chance to win!


Connie G said...

Cute cute tags have enjoyed this all very much. Yep, snow here in Maine.

~amy~ said...

Yay for the small creatures tags! These are both so very sweet! Love your coloring Tracey and that glitz!

Pam said...

Love these tags! this month is so full of inspiration. Thank you. Unlike our poor neighbors in and around Buffalo, NY, we here in CNY have been fortunate and only seen an inch or two of snow - so far. Please keep all those buried here in NY in your prayers.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I will never have snow where I live :( :( :( (well ... ok, we had flurries back in 1997 --but that was a freak year! LOL!!!) ... I live in Phoenix, Arizona, and it is a high of 70 right now!!! I love love love today's tags! LOVING the critters!!!!! CUTE!!!!!

Isabel Z said...

No snow yet but my kids are hoping. Some years we get none and others we get enough to excite the kids.

Alanna said...

Your tag is so cute and that bunny is just adorable.

Rubeena I. said...

no snow yet! your tag is adorable!!!

Lisa Elton said...

Love the cuteness factor on both yours and Wanda's tags today!! That bunny is adorable. Snow...yep Ohio is getting it's fair share and I'm NOT ready for it!!

Kelly S. said...

Snow critters! So adorable! We just missed the edge of the big Buffalo storm...about 30 minutes Southwest and West of us is where the school closings began. We are seeing it this morning though! There was nothing at 6:00 AM and now I can barely see up the street!!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Great tags today! I love the little penguin and the adorable bunny! Yes, we finally got a little snow - yesterday - but it's gone already!

I Card Everyone said...

Have I seen snow? Um. Way too much for my liking! Love the snow bunny!
=] Michele

richardbreaks said...

We have about two inches on the ground here in SE Michigan. Love your sweet tags!

BeverlyBL said...

Bunnies and penguins, who could ask for anything more. Both are just the cutest. Your snow looks beautiful, but it does seem a bit early for so much. Stay warm.

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

No snow yet, but crossing our fingers since my boys start ski team in 2 1/2 weeks (chuckling....). Seriously LOVE your tag...

Kristie Goulet said...

WOW! That is a lot of snow. Great tags. Love the sweet penguin and bunny! Yes, we have seen snow here in Northern, NH but not a lot. The ground is covered but not by much. :)

Kay Miller said...

Flurries?? I'd say that was more than flurries! haha! It looks beautiful though! So Christmasy! I love both yours and Wanda's tags!! Some of my favorite cute little critters! Beautiful work!

Susi said...

OMGoodness, that winter bunny looks like he's (she's?) having SO much fun! Adorable tag, Tracey!

diana said...

Great tags! Thanks for the inspiration. ;-)

Marilyn M said...

Love the sparkle on the bunny hill! Cute, cute, cute!

stampwithsandy said...

These little lawn fawn tags are the cutest!!! No snow here in NY yet, and I do not envy you!

Barb said...

Cutest tags ever! Love Wanda and her amazing talent! Both of your tags are fabulous!

tonyamaries said...

Love these tags! Great job coloring that bunny!

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Just so sweet! I love the little LF guys!

Sue McRae said...

Love the cute critters on both tags, they are definitely smile makers. We had our first snowfall in Ottawa on the weekend, just enough to cover the grass. Though it should be gone next week with the balmy weather on its way.

wendipooh13 said...

what fun tags!!!! love em!!!
and LOVE seeing your snow!!! we don't get any here in Southern CA

Anonymous said...

We finally warmed up yesterday morning and then another cold front came in. I sold newspapers to collect money for area children's charities this morning (temp 20) but it wasn't windy so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
Glad to be in and looking at the wonderful tags.

Jamie said...

Super cute and fun tags! Love all the Stickles you two used! Here in Maryland we have yet to see snow but I'm sure it's coming our way!Looks like your snow is there to stay!

Leigh Penner said...

Oh, you've both made such cute tags!
We have some snow (not lots, though), but it's been so cold already.....

carol (krillsister) said...

Two darling tags. We had 6 inches of snow on Monday. At least I'm not in Buffalo!

Amy C. said...

Yes, we had our first snow several days ago...wasn't ready for that!

Marybeth said...

Oh, you and Wanda made darling tags! Love that little snow bunny sliding down the hill.
The snow looks beautiful but I am sure not so welcome for you. I picked cherry tomatoes from our garden, in the warm sun yesterday.... So the opposite of your weather.

Unknown said...

Really sweet tags! Yep, we have had snow at least 5 times so far here in Nebraska :)

Annette Allen said...

what cute tags.. and yes that snow does come fast.. we got 5 inches the other day, but has been melting.

Iris said...

Just had our first snow last Saturday and Sunday but it is gone now.
isoscia at aol dot com

Dr. Ivy said...

Beautiful tags. We had a few inches of snow in the Midwest on Monday morning but now all has melted.

Judy1223 said...

Oh, wow! Two adorable tags today! Nope, no snow sightings here yet...but it is only a matter of time!

Ruth G said...

Wonderful tags today! I love the paper you chose for the background and the bunny is super sweet! TFS!
We've had a dusting of snow and temps cold enough to keep it from melting. I'm perfectly happy to wait until December before any measurable snow, though ;-)!

Lizzie T a/k/a Wifelady said...

Love that little bunny tag!!! We got snow (I'm in Delaware) last week - it started out as rain but then it turned into big fluffy flakes but they didn't stick.

cghundley said...

Love your charming
and cute bunny tag!
We've had a little
snow in town but
the mountains have
snow on them!
Carla from Utah

Sandi said...

In the nearly 8 years I have lived in Florida, I have seen snow only once....then it was just a few flurries on my car's windshield. But I don't miss it at all.

Kimberly Rendino said...

Cute!! Yes, we've had snow...about 5 inches so far. I'm about 2 hours from Buffalo, NY - so glad I didn't have to deal with that kind of snow (yet)!!!!!

Geri said...

Oh my goodness....your bunny tag could not possibly get any cuter!!!

I just took another stroll through all the tags and have pretty much added every single one to my 'must make' list!

As for snow, yep! Definitely not as much as other places are 'enjoying' but enough to cover the ground! Strong north winds are creating freezing cold temps here!

Kris in Alaska said...

Cute tag!
Believe it or not, in Alaska where I live we've only seen a dusting of snow!

Maria said...

Lovely tags! Your tag is so CUTE with the little snow bunny on the it! Yes, we have snow here, too...brrr!:-)

Denise Bryant said...

Love these two sweet tags! Fun penguin and bunny stamps! I am a frequent visitor at Wanda's blog... always fun creations!
No snow here yet in northern CA where I live!

Jean Bullock said...

I live in Anaheim and the closest we get to snow is a little hail. That's it. However, I could drive a few hours to the mountainous areas and see snow.

Love your bunny tag. Cute as can be.

Sharron said...

We're just warming up after our 2-inch snow--just enough to enjoy! The neighbor kids made a snowman that was about 18" tall! LOVE these tags--such adorable snow critters!!

Joyce said...

So much cuteness on your blog today. Love yours and Wanda's tags. No, we have not gotten any snow here, at least not yet. Always hoping, though.

Lindsey said...

Darling tags by both you and Wanda! Such cute stamps!

LynnsLocker said...

We have 2" of snow in MI. Love ya' site.
Thanks for sharing with us!

Kara said...

such cute and appropriate little tags for all that snow!! brrrr

Jill Norwood said...

I know you are not ready for snow quite yet but it is pretty to me! My son is hoping fir snow days to be off from school :). Adorable tags from you and Wanda!!! How fun that you are birthday twins! :)

Sue D said...

I like how you created this scene for winter bunny.
Yes we have snow!

Monika/Buzsy said...

Super cute tags ladies. Love the darling images and fab coloring. Tracey, the background looks awesome on your tag. We've had some flurries, but nothing big yet... however, we did have our first school delay the other day, because of freezing rain.

Natalie said...

Both tags are a delight!! So stinkin' cute, love 'em! No snow here, thankfully!

Anita in France said...

These are both so cute and completely adorable, Tracey ... such fun critter-y scenes! We're completely snowless! Anita :)

liz said...

I love the sky color for your tag. So cute!

Shelly said...

ADORABLE tags!!! Love! No snow here! Then again, I live in Florida. ;) If I saw snow this far south, I think I would have to pick and move to an island! lol

Amy C. said...

Yes, we had our first snow about a week ago. It's still lingering!

Lindarub said...

Cute tags

Barb Ghig said...

I never tire of Winter Bunny, too...he's too cute ;) I love how you colored him and your scene is fabulous, Tracey! A really charming tag!
Thanks for sharing Wanda's tag and link with us...her tag is so sweet!

Jinny Newlin said...

Love your little, bunny scene, Tracey! So many perfect, little details! And the snow is sooooo pretty! I'm ready for as much white stuff as the good Lord can deliver ;). We've only seen a dusting, but that's still early for Kansas City.

Shona Chambers said...

Two very special and adorable tags!! That little bunny looks like he's having the ride of his life too! All that snow, how exciting. We have a very warm Christmas in New Zealand but would love to have a white one just once.

TracyM #6773 said...

LOVE the tags today!!!
No snow where I live in SE Victoria, Australia ... it is a good 3 hour drive to see some during a short season, nothing like what you must experience every year Tracey!!! I confess that your video & photo look SO PRETTY but ever SO COLD - hard to imagine, as I have the air conditioner chugging away in the background as I type :)

pcm said...

yes! we got 3 inches!

Renee M said...

Adorable tags!! Y'all are so talented. Here in Texas we recently had one of our freakish weather changes and actually had a tiny bit of snow, but not enough to even cover anything, thank goodness.

Katie Ann Brooks said...

you are making these tags so darn cute. Any one of these is a gift on its own!

Janet's Joy said...

Your tag is so sweet!
Yup just like you we had far too much snow already!

Karenladd said...

Never snows here but I do love snowy winter and Christmas cards! Those cute critter cards are adorable!

Mary-Anne V said...

Cute tags. We haven't seen real snow just flakes..but its been really cold!

Unknown said...

So cute!

And yes, we have seen snow already...incredibly odd for us in the Northwest to see it so early...

Unknown said...

So cute!

And yes, we have seen snow already...incredibly odd for us in the Northwest to see it so early...

Megan said...

We've even had our first snow day. I love all the snowy stamps, don't love the snow so much in real life!

Anonymous said...

I live in Washington and we have a dusting of snow on the ground with lots more to come!! Love these tags:)

karenelr said...

Only snow in the mountains! These tags are so professional and adorable!

maria f. said...

Did you make this tag before or after your snowfall?!?! Adorbs. Is the snow gone now, I hope.

Chark said...

yup! we got snow already and a school delay. love the bunny!

Indy's Designs said...

Such cute little scenes on these tags!

Samantha F. said...

Adorable tags! Can't go wrong with Lawn Fawn critters.

ionabunny said...

Great tags. Gosh, snow. Haven't seen any yet. Hope we don't get much. Stay warm. Hugz

Helen Gullett said...
