November 26, 2015

25 Days of Christmas Tags - Day 25

Welcome back for Day 25, if you are just arriving for the first time all the details and the linkup can found HERE. Today is the last day of the event. I hope that you have found something that inspired you over the past 25 days. I have been so honoured to have so many wonderful designers joining me as both guests and sponsors.  You have until midnight tonight (EST) to finish commenting and/or upload your 'inspired by tags'. I have a total of 29 prizes to draw!

Today, for the final day, I have new stamp company Mint Owl Studio as both my guest and sponsor offering to one lucky winner a $25 gift certificate for the online store.

Here are a few tags from owner and designer Tracy Gruber...

...and one from me!

Comment as to whether you found any tags that inspired you during the last 25 days for your chance to win.

The MAIN event blog post is where you will find the participate to win link up!

The 25 Days of Christmas Tags 2015 Pinterest board is live and updated every day with all the inspiration from the event!


Donna said...

Tracey... I found more inspiration here than I had time to play with... And I enjoyed every minute of it :)
Thanks to you AND all of your guests.
Donna. x

Lynn said...

Tracey, you did it! Another amazing 25 Tags of Christmas. So much stunning inspiration. Love seeing all the different stamp companies and styles of designers along with your always incredible designs! Love!

Marianne said...

Thanks so much for putting this all together and giving us so much inspiration. Love the sweet images from this new to me stamp company.
I finally managed to finish at least one tag. I'm just hoping I can also manage to upload it today, and maybe 1 or 2 more.

Mary Holshouser said...

I collect elephants. Hadn't thought about putting antlers on them.
fun idea that I'm going to have to use.
It's been a great 25 days. So many wonderful ideas.
thanks for having the hop.
Happy Thanksgiving

Amy C. said...

I found so many inspiring tags this month! Thanks for organizing such a wonderful event. Happy Thanksgiving!

Helen Gullett said...

Eeeekkkkk they are way too adorable!
And YES I found many tags that inspire me to make this year. Thank you sooooooo much for these amazing 25 Days of Christmas Tags.

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

Ha ha, have I found any tags that inspired yes! How am I going to chose which ones I'm going to use for next week's holiday card class? Too many choices.

ionabunny said...

Oh my, I have been so inspired by so many of the lovely tags you have shared. It's been fun. Hugz

Unknown said...

Adorable tags today!
I definitely found tags that inspired me during the last 25 days.
Thanks so much for all your work hosting this - I love it!

Rachel Bergfeld said...

I found a ton of inspiration during the last 25 days. I saved a bunch so I can look at them later when I'm wrapping my own Christmas presents. (I'm a terrible procrastinator!)

Sandy said...

Oh my gosh, yes, I have found so many tags to inspire me over the last 25 days. Thanks so much for hosting this event Tracey; I am so glad I found out about it.

KandA said...

Wow Tracey there have been so many fabulous creations from you and the other designers over the past 25 days and I have definitely found plenty of tags to inspire me. Thanks for putting together such a super fun challenge and also a big thank you to all the companies who have sponsored you xx

Megan said...

I can't believe it's day 25! You've had such a fabulous assortment of companies and guest designers and tags! Hoping to squeeze in a little last minute crafting today! :)

OH Babs said...

There are so many great original and unique tags. I have several favorites but my #1 is Tag #157 made by Kara Lynne. It is inspiring to me because I love coloring and I really like the style and designs of LOTV stamps. Thanks so much Tracey!

Marilyn M said...

The 25 days flew by fast. So much inspiration in all the different tags.

Marilyn said...

Fantastic event, Tracey. Thoroughly enjoyed all the festive tags. I made a tag inspired by one of the entrants and joined in the fun!

Lindarub said...

Their were so many but anything with snowmen.

Denise Bryant said...

These are absolutely adorable! Great fun to get to check out a new-to-me company too! Thanks for the introduction!
I have been inspired by your 25 Days series, Tracey! So many fun ideas and techniques, and it has been a pleasure to drop in to your different sponsor's blogs and have a look around!

Crafty Math Chick said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Lovely tags! Oh yeah - I definitely found LOTS of inspirational tags in your hop - thanks so much for organizing it all for us Tracey! And thanks for all the sponsors participating as well!

Anonymous said...

Great tags today!! I have cased so many of your wonderful inspiration this year!! Thank you so much for organizing this amazing event:)

Super Stick Chick said...

Love these Mint Owl stamps & tags, especially the mouse. I have been so inspired by this month of tags. I found it late last year and promised myself to join in earlier this time. I did, and boy am I glad!!! I have made several beautiful tags well before the big rush. Next year I hope to do even more. Loved your designers and companies so fun seeing what everyone came up with. PLEASE DO THIS AGAIN NEXT YEAR.

Linda said...

Lots and lots of inspiration. Unfortunately, my mojo just wasn't there to do the tags. I got one in. lol....

Sharron said...

Gosh, the past 25 tags has been overflowing with inspiration! Love how you featured different companies and included so many designers. Today's tags are so adorable. This company's images are so wonderful and it's such fun to see samples. Thanks for putting so much work and love into organizing the 25 Days of Christmas Tags events!!

Bobby said...

Did I find any inspiration? It was almost overload there were so many wonderful tags to view and enjoy,Tracey.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Tracey, thank you so much for this event! I thoroughly enjoyed all of the beautiful and adorable tag inspiration! Your tag is super cute - love the sentiment! Tracy's tags are adorable - I love the critters! And the puns!

Judy Tuck said...

There were lots of beautiful tags over the past 25 days. Beautiful work by everyone!

Jacquie Southas said...

Congratulations on a great 25 Days of Christmas Tags, Tracey! The inspiration has been fabulous.

stampwithsandy said...

Oh SO much inspiration has been found the last 25 days! Thanks so much for doing this, Tracey!

Lisa Elton said...

First of all, congrats on another successful year of 25 Days of Christmas Tags!! Delightful tags today, so cute! That little mouse is as sweet as can be. I've found oodles of inspiration for tags!!

Sue McRae said...

This is a new company to me. Their stamps make the most delightfully cute tags! Thanks for hosting another inspirational tag fest!

Kara Lynne said...

Tracey, ALL of the tags in your 25DOCTs inspired me! This was so much fun, and I'm sad it's going to be over! Today's tags are as cute as can be! I love your Christmouse peeking out of the stocking!

Ruth G said...

So much inspiration from these posts! I really want to make every tag super special after all the fabulous ideas I've seen here! Thanks so much for all the inspiration!!!

liz said...

This was a fun event. I got loads of inspiration. Thanks

Berina RGA said...

Yes!! Definitely more than a few has inspired me. I will be creating more tags for Christmas!!

TracyM #6773 said...

FABULOUS tags, LOVE the images & sentiments, LOVE the shapes & colours too!!!
Your Christmouse stocking is ADORABLE Tracey :)

THANK YOU SO MUCH for ANOTHER WONDERFUL 25 Days of Christmas Tags - it was FILLED with FUN and INSPIRATION!!!

Mary-Anne V said...

Thank you so much for doing this 25 days ...I always find these posts so inspiring.

Barb Ghig said...

Such a darling tag, Tracey! Love your Christmas mouse and the puny sentiment is so sweet!
I've been inspired every, single day by all the beautiful tags you've created, as well as your wonderful guests! Thanks so much for sharing this fun series with us again this year!

Aileen said...

Tracey, I have found so much inspiration here that I have done more than I have ever done before. Which was.....none. Honest I found it so much fun getting into this style of paper making rather than worrying about the whole card, it was brilliant. Thank you and all the wonderful people who made tags to keep it rolling, it has been brilliant and I hope happens again next year.

Christine said...

I found so much inspiration, I just wish I had the time to play. Thanks so much!

Isabel Z said...

Oh no, say it isn't so; it's the not the 25th post. I am so sad that it's coming to and end, because I have enjoyed the tags SO much. Too many have inspired me to just list one. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.

Kristie Goulet said...

Amazing 25 days of tags, Tracey! I was inspired each day. So many awesome tags. Thank you so much for the inspiration!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teresa Doyle said...

Oh my goodness Tracey, these tags are SO SWEET!
I have pinned SO MANY beautiful tags in this past 25 days! (More than I have EVER pinned in that length of time!) They have all been SO inspiring I cannot even tell you! I had been asked to make all occasion tags for someone and used some of these as a jumping off point. Thank you SO MUCH Tracey for putting so much into this and Thank You to your GENEROUS sponsors to their contributions!
Much appreciated!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

These are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vikki H said...

So many wonderful ideas and stamp companies were featured in your series - what a journey!

Marisa said...

Another fabulous 25 days of tags, Tracey :) Love seeing everyone's creations as there is so much inspiration!

Unknown said...

Really? That's the question? Did I find inspiration? Hello! OF COURSE! All OVER the place. SOOOOOO much inspiration! This was an amazing series showcasing the talents of so many and such great companies. I'm so glad I found your series, Tracey. Thank you SOOOO much for doing this! I look forward to the future...and I'm so happy to have found your blog, too. Thank you!!

Marlyn Rojas said...

I've found so much inspiration in this wonderful 25 days of Chrismas tags!

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

I found lots of inspiration thank you so much for all your work and time to put this together! Love these new stamps!

New Creations said...

Hats off to all your hard work for past 25 days! Each and every day I was inspired with lots of tags and I will create more for coming festive days! Todays creations are soooooo cute, your one is too adorable!

cghundley said...

Wonderful event,
thanks for having
it. I have enjoyed
all the tags and
got lots of ideas!
Carla from Utah

cm said...

Tracey, your inspirations here were nothing short of phenomenally inspiring! I've shared just a few of the tags I've made...but trust me, there are more to be showcased in the next while. All the ideas: solely generated by you and your guests. Thank you for another round of awesome!

Jean Bullock said...

I have found tons of inspiration! I didn't have time to make tags for this year. But I am going to make them next year. I will start in summer, lol.

Laraine R said...

More great tags! I definitely found alot of inspiration during these 25 days of Christmas tags!

Renee said...

I know I'm so late with this...
blame it on the turkey...*giggle*
but just wanted to say I found so much inspiration everyday...
along with some new companies I want to try! :)
Another smashing year of tags...
loved it all!

Sandi said...

I have been inspired beyond my expectations. I have pinned many of the tags for future reference. Thank you for 25 wonderful days! I am sad it is over....maybe next year you can do 31 days!!

Jen Mitchell said...

I can hardly believe it's been 25 days already! What wonderful inspiration you've had here!

Lindsey said...

Did I find any tags that inspired me? Hmmm. YES. :D Most days the hardest part was narrowing the inspiration down to just one! Thanks for your massive effort to put on this great event, Tracey!

Diane Jaquay said...

This has been a wonderful event, Tracey! I found many of the tags very inspiring, just wish I'd had time to make more tags. Thanks for putting this all together!

Lindsey said...

Tracey, what an incredible event you put together! Oh if I had the hours in a day to use all the inspiration you and your guests have shared here. Thank you so much for all your hard work. You must be so very proud of all you've accomplished!

Joyce said...

I loved your 25 tags event, and of course, I got a lot of inspiration. Also, I remember that years ago, I discovered you and your blog during this event, so that is another reason I love this event.

Unknown said...

This was such a fun event and I am thrilled to have been part of it! Thanks for putting it together and for giving us so much inspiration all month long! ❤️

mandalj said...

What a great way to end the 25 days! Another new company to discover and more fabulous tags to be inspired by!

BeverlyBL said...

Thank you for all of the inspiration. It has been fun every day. So many different styles. Thanks too to all of your sponsors. I loved it.

Kristina B. said...

So sad to see this over :( it has been very inspiring

Maureen Reiss said...

Love these super cute images!! Awesome tags!! Thanks for all the 25 days of fun and inspiration!!

MelissaF said...

Such cute critters on these adorable tags! This is my first year of doing tags, much inspiration from this series of blog posts. Thanks so much!

Greta said...

I love your chevron background--perfect for the adorable image! There was lots of inspiration--thanks, Tracey!

Kristie Maynard said...

Adorable, love the little critters!
Oh MY! Have I gotten inspiration from this series of post and all the tags, not only for tags, but also for cards. Thanks for doing this series, I have totally enjoyed it!

TracyM #6773 said...

EEK - I forgot to let you know the tags that MOST INSPIRED me!!!
I confess that there were almost too many to mention, I'm SO GLAD you have shared them all on the Pinterest board so that I can go back to it again and again and again :)
Anyway, I have several SHOWSTOPPERS that I KNOW I will be using for inspiration and they are Gayatri's VERY MERRY tag from Day 2, your CAS Kraft JOY tag from Day 4 and Jeanne's GLORIOUS golden poinsettia tag from Day 12 ... there are MANY MORE, this is just the tip of my creative tag iceberg!!!

Anita in France said...

Tracey, congratulations on such a fantastic and successful 25 Days of Christmas Tags ... what a sweet finale! The whole event has been wonderful ... so much inspiration every single day ... I've not had chance to play along this year ... but next ... it'll be in my planner! Hugs, Anita :)

Nora Noll said...

OH so cute!! LOVE these adorable tags!! Thank you for the fun posts!!

Monika/Buzsy said...

Super cute tags. I just can't stop looking at all the fantastic designs. You girls and Tracey are amazing! Well done! Yes, I did find inspiration... more than once! Thank you!

Birgit said...

This has been so much fun checking your blog (almost) every day! I tried to keep up!! Yes, I've been so inspired by all the wonderful tags I've seen. What a fun, fun time!!

cm said...

Oh my...I was sure I left a comment, but it's disappeared! Back again to say: the past 25 days of tags have provided phenomenal inspiration, not only for the cards/tags I shared, but the ones I made for my niece and nephew's Advent countdown. I'm still working on those, with your tags sparking ideas left, right and center! Thank you for investing time, energy and creativity in this fantastic series! You're a gem!

Marsha said...

25 days of inspiration! Thank you so much. I made so many more tags than I usually do because of your 25 Days of Christmas Tags. Saved so many ideas to CASE.

Jinny Newlin said...

Oh, Tracey, that little mouse is darling, and there you go playing with yummy chevrons again! Great job!

Kim Heggins said...

Sorry to be so late to the party here. Finally getting comments caught up. These are all fabulous tags!