November 19, 2015

25 Days of Christmas Tags - Day 18

Welcome back for Day 18, if you are just arriving for the first time all the details and the linkup can found HERE.

Today I have Pretty Pink Posh as my guest along with some of their designers. Pretty Pink Posh is both a guest and a sponsor offering to one lucky winner a $25 gift certificate for the online store!
..and one from me!

Comment as to whether you use sequins or not for your chance to win.

The MAIN event blog post is where you will find the participate to win link up!

The 25 Days of Christmas Tags 2015 Pinterest board is live and updated every day with all the inspiration from the event!


Peanut said...

Sequins.... oh yes!!! Every chance I get. LOVE the stuff. PPP has some of the best.
x Asha

diana said...

Great tags!
I have some sequins, but I haven't tried them out yet. ;-)

Donna said...

These tags are so cute... and I love your cut out window tag, Tracey :)
Yes, I do use sequins from time to time... But I really do need to buy some more clear ones. They are my favourite by far :)

Mary Holshouser said...

Love the little frames around some of the designs.
Great tags - so many fun ideas.
thanks for sharing.

NanW said...

I use sequins every chance I get and I love the ones from Pretty Pink Posh.

liz said...

More adorable tags! Love PPP sequins!

Rachel Bergfeld said...

I love, love, love sequins! Whether I use them or not is a question of style of card I'm creating. If I'm trying for a simplistic and clean look, then I usually skip the sequins. But more often than not, I'll add a few for some sparkle!

BeverlyBL said...

I am not very good with the placement of sequins so don't use them that often. I do love how they look and the color they add. I have really been enjoying your 25 Days of Christmas Tags. Lots of great ideas. I need to get busy.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

I love sequins on everything! These are awesome!

TK said...

Great tags from everyone! Lisa's penguin and plaid really pulls at my heart strings though!

I'm a Little Teapot said...

So sweet! Such heartwarming tags!

I have used sequins but I do not use them often enough- low stock of them in my crafty room and I do not have many small sequins left. But I think sequins are very pretty and/or happy on a project.

Colleen said...

Oh such cute cards today and all these days, Tracey! Well, now that I look back, I realize I do NOT put sequins on my tags!! Maybe I need to rectify that??

Sandy said...

Your little window shaker tag is so cute.
I'm just warming up to sequins. I have used them in shaker cards and used some on a set of holiday cards I made.

Shelly said...

Oooh, these are sooo cute!! And sequins?!...Yes, please! ;)

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

I use sequins on a very limited basis... but love your window tag.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Such gorgeous creations...the window tag is super awesome and yes I do use sequins but not often enough!!
Dr Sonia

Marsha said...

I don't use sequins but I like seeing them on cards and I need to get some because I love shaker cards.

Marybeth said...

So many darling tags again today , Tracey! Oh my gosh your CAS shaker tag is perfect!!!!!!!

KandA said...

Super fun tags especially the shaker tags. I do have a pack of sequins but never used any xx

Annette Allen said...

another fabulous day of adorable tags.. thanks for sharing..

Unknown said...

These are all so wonderful. I love everything sequin! Your tag series has been fabulous - so much inspiration. Thanks Tracy & all the other fabulous contributors.

cm said...

Loving these tag-treats, Tracey! Today's are, again, so charming! Your little shaker is darling! Sequins...rarely use them (except for shakers, which are also few and far between). I just don't know how to place them properly, but I sure love seeing them in action when they're used by people who do!

Barb Ghig said...

Gorgeous shaker tag, Tracey! I love the striking red windows with your gold bells and lovely holly leaves! I don't think I could create without my Pretty Pink Posh, my answer is 'Yes' :)

Kelly Szafron said...

I use sequins often. My favorite are the sparkling clear. Wonderful tags today!

Diane Jaquay said...

I love sequins, sequins are my favorite (hee hee, guess what my favorite Christmas movie is ;) The little critters on these tags are ADORABLE!!!

Meg Giroux said...

Such cute tags! I am loving seeing all of the different ideas from the past 18 days!!!

I love using sequins on my tags to add bling!

Lindsey said...

You know the most difficult part of this event is picking which tag every day. :D I know, I could do more than one, but I'm only just keeping up as is! Anyway, beautiful tag inspiration again today. And yes, I do use sequins! Kind of goes in cycles, I'll use them on a few projects in a row, and then not for a while.

Monika Reeck said...

I use sequin only sometimes
and wooowza all the tags are adorable and yours hmm I love your red TAG this is amazing color and so vibrant sweety
will catch up soon
miss you

Judy Tuck said...

I love sequins and have so many of them. Love your tag!

Marilyn said...

Love the fantastic array of tags. Love the look of sequins ... presently, do not use them, because I don't have any.

stampwithsandy said...

I love sequins and use them all the time, and I really love the shaker tags! So gorgeous!

Nora Noll said...

Love, love, love!! STUNNING tags!!

Rema DeLeeuw said...

Awesome tags by all. Sometimes I use sequins. It depends what I'm making.

Megan said...

I stress out sometimes about where to put them, and how many to use... but I do use them. :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

These are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Berina RGA said...

I use sequins on my cards and tags! And some of today's tags have inspired me to create shaker tags!!

Marilyn M said...

I like when people use sequins, but I don't have the hang of putting them on so they look good. Your shaker tag with sequins is adorable.

Lindarub said...

I'm trying to use them more I seem to forget about using them.

Teresa Doyle said...

Amazing tags again today. I am pinning a LOT of them these days. LOL
I would love to use more sequins but I don't order online and they are nearly impossible to find locally???

Kristina B. said...

Gorgeous tags! So happy to see Pretty Pink Posh here!

Karen said...

Yes, I use sequins, especially for shaker cards---love your tag!

Denise Bryant said...

Fabulous tags today! Love PPP and their awesome dies and sequins! Sequins... yes! Love them!

Greta said...

Super cute tags today--LOVE your adorable shaker, Tracey! Yes, I do use sequins--slow to the party but finally got on board--haha!

Kristie Maynard said...

Thanks for more beautiful inspiration! I have just started using sequins on my projects. And I'm just loving them.

Amy C. said...

I do occasionally use sequins. They add such a pretty touch.

Marlyn Rojas said...

Beautiful projects! I use sequins only when I make shaker cards because most of the time I forget them.

Super Stick Chick said...

I use sequins whenever possible, especially the ones by PPP!

Aileen said...

I very rarely use sequins but have been more tempted with all the shaker cards around.

Dawn T said...

gorgeous tags. I love using sequins.

cghundley said...

Loving all the creations!
I use sequins more than I
have in the past. I just
need to add them to my
Thanksgiving cards to be
Carla from Utah

anja curvers said...

Awesome creations and I love to use sequins.

TracyM #6773 said...

ADORABLE tags :)
LOVE Paulina's sequins, dies and stamps!!!
LOVE your shaker tag Tracey, the SPARKLING sequins make for PRETTY snow through the window!!!
I LOVE sequins (and SPARKLE & SHINE), I mainly use them for shakers and find that I'm using them more for accents now that I have some Tombow Mono Multi in my stash, it works great for securing them in place!!!

Renee said...

Such adorable tags today...
they're all gorgeous!!
And occasionally.
I have enough to last till the zombie apocalypse but keep forgetting to use them.

Isabel Z said...

Oh yes, sequins are a must for shaker tags. Love, love, love the posts and seeing all the wonderful tags. Thank you.

Kristie Goulet said...

Lovely tags! Yes, I use sequins.

New Creations said...

Super fun creations, love your shaker window tag!
I love to use sequins where ever required, specially for the shaker ones!

Monika/Buzsy said...

Darling tags. Love the sweet images and the fantastic PPP dies. That window tag is amazing! I love using sequins... especially in shaker cards.

Anonymous said...

Love your little shaker window! I love to use sequins for shaker cards, besides that I don't use them that often.

Crafty Math Chick said...

Such pretty tags! Oh, I was using sequins five years ago, before it was cool, and getting made fun of for doing so! Sigh, if only they could have seen me as a trendsetter back then... ;)

Michele K. Henderson said...

i LOVE using sequins on my cards all year long!

Maria said...

Love all the wonderful Christmas tags! And, yes to sequins...a must for embellishments!:-)

Anonymous said...

I am using sequins more than ever. I love the extra umph it gives to cards.

Unknown said...

Great tags today!
I do use sequins on about half my cards - they definitely add a special sparkle!

Michele K. Henderson said...

I LOVE using sequins every chance I get! REALLY beautiful and fun tags today! They are all so festive!
Take care!

Lindsey said...

These are fabulous! And yes, I love using sequins. PPP is a favorite of mine. :)

Renee M said...

I have sequins but forget to use them! These are precious tags today :)

Laraine R said...

Great tags! Yes I use lots of sequins!

Lisa Elton said...

Loved being your guest along with the PPP team!! Your window shaker tag is adorable!!

Rahmat said...

Lovely tags, and the sequins just shine through each tag.

mandalj said...

Haven't used sequins yet but would love to! More great tags today, especially Yukari Yoshioka's shaker!

Connie G said...

I do love sequins. It adds that finishing touch with a bit of glitter, bling or to fill a blank space or put emphasis on another. I love Reverse Confetti and several of the products used on these tags today are on my MUST HAVE list!!!

Kara Lynne said...

I love seeing the PPP products on these wonderful tags! I love your window filled with falling snow sequins, so pretty!

Kim Heggins said...

These are all so sweet.

Sharron said...

Gosh, I don't think I've ever used sequins on a tag! Today's adorable designs are great examples of the wonderful look that come with a little sparkle!

Sandi said...

I use sequins most often in shaker cards. I really should use them more often because I love the little sparkle they add.

Jean Bullock said...

These tags are adorable. No, I don't usually use sequins. I actually like them except for the hole in the middle. The hole bugs me. I know that it's for sewing purposes but I wish they would make some without the hole.

Helen Gullett said...

Oh YES I use sequins :) Gotta give some blings on the card, right?

Love the tags from PPP today!

Anita in France said...

Such sweet tags, Tracey ... love seeing more of those teeny jingle bells on yours! Sequins ... oh yes, most definitely ... one of my favourite ways of adding some shimmer and shine! Hugs, Anita :)

Miriam Prantner said...

I love all the scenes that the ladies created today. I definitely am a fan of sequins!

Marianne said...

Love the simplicity of your tag, Tracey, including those sweet jingle bells.
Since I need to watch my sugar levels, I'll take anything chocolate with no added sugar.

Marianne said...

Oops, I guess I answered the question to a different post just now.
Of course I use sequins *big grin*

Marisa said...

Your window tag is fabulous!! I do use sequins but not that often.

Kimberly Rendino said...

Great tags today! I love to see the sparkle of sequins! I do like to use sequins....actually I tend to go through phases....I haven't used any recently, but I think it's time to break them out again!

Nana Griffin said...

I have started using sequins now. I love them on cards.

Mary-Anne V said...

Beautiful tags today from PPP. I like to use sequins if I am hand delivering the card.

Christine said...

Love the shaker card! I don't normally use sequins unless I am doing a shaker card, but this year I am adding them to the wreath for my Christmas cards.

Maureen Reiss said...

I love LOVE L*O*V*E sequins and these tags!!

Teresa Doyle said...

Absolutely amazing tags Ladies!
I love sequins but aren't readily available locally and I don't order online much. I use hat I have quite sparingly at the moment. LOL

Birgit said...

All these tags are adorable! Sequins? Yes please!

Anonymous said...

Darling tags today!! I love to use sequins on all my cards:)

ionabunny said...

Yes I use sequins. Great tags. Hugz

Unknown said...

Great tags. I love that little penguin/bird!

crazymom said...

Such cute sweet tags! ♥

Linda said...

Lovely tags and yes for sequins. Not always but sometimes.

MelissaF said...

LOVE these tags, love the bling and sparkle and YES to sequins!

Bobby said...

I am so CASEing your tag, Tracey. I have several of these PPP shapes and didn't know what to do with them. I'm going to cut the 'windows' like you did and make a shaker. Love it! Thanks for the inspiration. And yes, I sometimes use sequins.

Jinny Newlin said...

Great shapes, and sweet as can be! Always sequins!

Joyce said...

Total cuteness. Love your little window tag. Yes, I think you know I use sequins.