
July 23, 2015

Paper Crafter's Library Feature

Happy Thursday!

I have been so busy packing up 14 years of living here into boxes I haven't had a lot of time to really think about the 'leaving' element of this story.  The home we live in was our dream home, the thrill of moving in here with our two children, then 4 and 6, and getting the space we wanted in a growing neighbourhood. Now, picking a lot can be a bit of a crap shoot, but we lucked out and purchased a pie shaped lot on a street, not a court. The park ended up 5 houses away on our side and the school was built right behind our house.  The school opened when they were in grades 3 & 5 so I could send them off to school at 7:50 for an 8:00 start, run upstairs and wait about a minute and I could see them come across the field and onto the playground. Then I would scoot out the door and drive to work for my 8:30 start at the high school where I taught.

Memories of them growing up--their friends, sports, dance, theater, a few injuries and lots of family vacations. A few of the highlights were 'hall ball' with Dad which was usually cut short when I heard a crash of something getting knocked off a shelf, sleepovers, water gun battles in the backyard and a few teenager parties that I think aged me a few years. All those memories fill this house but we will take them with us. I am so happy that a young family with 3 small children bought our home to  make their own memories. I wanted to share this picture of my kids out front of our house while it was being built--insert a happy sigh here.

I am also happy to share with you today that I was invited once again by Andrea Walford at Paper Crafter's Library to be a Featured Artist/Designer. Here is my feature from September 2014. Paper Crafter's Library is such a fabulous source of inspiration, I hope you come and visit me over there where I share more details of this card created with the super adorable Happy Pandas from MFT Stamps!


  1. What a lovely post and a fabulous picture of Ben and Brooklyn, Tracey! How wonderful to have such lovely memories to take with you to your new home ... where you'll make so many more! Off to check out PCL! Hugs, Anita :)

  2. Aww...such a sweet pic and hearing about all your memories! Enjoy your new home and make plenty of new memories! :) Hugs

  3. Awww... it's so nice to know that your home will be loved, but I'm sure it's hard to let those things go. You have such a way with words! Congrats on the feature!

  4. It's good to take a moment to remember the house as the home of so many wonderful life events! I am taking a moment from all the packing up at my mom's house so I'm going over to check out your sweet panda!

  5. Awwwwww I bet those memories are coming at you fast and furious!! Big HUGS!!!!

  6. Those memories will be in your heart forever Tracey. Your new home awaits new memories to be made. I like the idea of a young family moving in too! Heading over to check out your cute card!!

  7. It's nice to get to know you.
    Sounds like a great neighborhood!
    Best wishes on your move :-)

  8. Awwww I can imagine how hard it is to leave the place where you made so many happy memories! Big hugs Tracey! I love the photo of your kiddos! Too cute!! Your card is absolutely adorable too!

  9. You'll forgive me if I say 'been there' Tracey and am so feeling your heart right now. I cried for miles down the road when we left New York. Those memories live on, and new ones - great ones - are right around the bend, my friend. So excited for you, James and the 'kids': the next chapter - can't wait to visit!!!
    Love that card, too, by the way...
    =] Michele

  10. Such happy memories. Leaving is bittersweet, I'm sure. And I'm sure you are looking forward to making new memories in your new home too!

  11. Oh....this was so sweet to read. And I love your fabulous photo of Ben and Brooklyn, they look so adorable. Wishing you all the best in your new dream home and all your new stories.

  12. Thank you for sharing, Tracey. It has to be a tug-of-war on the heart strings, but you are moving on to bigger and better dreams for all of you! Big hugs, Darnell

  13. Beautiful post Tracey ! I rem er leaving our home of 22 years. It was sad and wonderful all at the same time ,we felt like we we saying good y
    Just felt a big earth quake

  14. Congrats on your Paper Crafters feature. Heading right over. Love the picture of your kids helping to build your house.

  15. Wow Tracey. It's never just bricks and mortar. So special to have all those beautiful memories, albeit bittersweet. undoubtedly, your kids will have them too, from a different perspective. I feel a tug at my heartstrings as I read about it, and know that it's only a matter of time before I will face a similar reality. Have had you in my thoughts this week. Wondering how it's all going. Marvelling at how you manage to make it all happen. Wishing you a smooth transition, Tracey. Here's to a new and exciting chapter in your life! BTW - Love your card, just got side-tracked by the other things going on! ;-)

  16. I didn't know you were a teacher :)
    I know this is a time of 'mixed emotions' for you, but I think it's really wonderful that you are all taking sweet memories of this home with you! I continue to wish you the best of luck with your closing and move...and that you will have many more years of happiness in your new home ~ Hugs to you!
    Off to check out your project at PCL ~

  17. PS: LOVE the photo of Ben and Brooklyn :)

  18. super sweet pic of the kids and a wonderful memory. :) Love the card, going to see it in full now!

  19. Your photo paired with the memories you've shared...heart-melting and heart-warming! I know this house is infused with joy and happiness, which will be welcoming and inviting for the new family moving in. Your memories, carried with you, will find place in your new surroundings, and it, too, will become home to joy, happiness and love!

  20. Such sweet memories and a precious pic, love! TFS! I don't think I'll ever see my dream home, but I've come to terms with that. As long as my family is happy, I am happy. Hugs!


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