It's that time again, the 12 Kits of Occasions November edition, or in the case this month Holiday Edition! Kim Heggins of Cupcakes, Cards and Kim was our hostess this month and she sent us all a kit filled to the brim with Santa inspired goodies. Isn't timing everything? Lots to see today from all the girls so lets get started...
I layered the two snowbanks with foam tape.
Kim sent us the cutest Santa sleigh that she cut with her Silhouette Cameo.
For my next card I used this week's and RetroSketches sketch #143.
Kim sent us the Santa embossed in red.
The great big Santa is the star of the show for me. I love everything about this image.
Of course I could not resist making another tag. The metal rimmed tag came with our kits, ready made.
Have you been working on your Christmas cards?
Hop around to the rest of the the teams' blogs to see how everyone else was inspired by Kim'd kit.