November 14, 2014

25 Days of Christmas Tags - Day 12

Welcome to Day 12, I can't believe we are almost half way!

Today I have some Neat & Tangled Inspiration for you with fabulous tags from Danielle Walls,  Amy Tsuruta and Tracy Ercole.

As we move through the 25 days you have a new opportunity to enter for the prize draw every single day! The main prize draw 
HERE has five opportunities for you to enter and all the other days from Day 2 on you have one opportunity a day.  You also have an opportunity every day to visit my guests and comment on their blog posts for yet another chance. As long as you enter on or before November 27th 11:59 pm EST and follow the entry guidelines.




.A little white embossing and Copic colouring for my tag using Hey Cookie and Home Sweet Home.


For your chance to win one of the prizes today leave me a comment below!

Thank you so much Danielle and Amy for joining me today as my guests.
Danielle thank you for donating a prize for the event!

Don't forget to hop over to each of their blogs for another chance to win!


~amy~ said...

Yay Tracey! Thanks so much for having me as a guestie! I love your sweet holiday wishes tag! Gotta love white embossing :) I adore Danielle's jar and pretty!

Kimberly Rendino said...

Great tags, ladies! Love the shaker. I think youve all inspired me to create a few tags this morning!!!

Julia Aston said...

What great tags today! love Danielle's shaker tag on the jar - Amy's pretty blackboard tag on that cute little dotted bag - and your sweet gingerbread people tag Tracey!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Love love love these! LOVING how Amy used the burlap!!!!!!

Lenora said...

I love these tags! I need to get taggin!

diana said...

Great tags! Thanks for the inspiration. ;-)

Sylvia said...

Beautiful tags ladies, Danielle, I love those sequins!

KT Fit Kitty said...

These are beautiful tags! I love the stamps and dies used! Danielle's shaker tag is amazing!

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

So fun, I never think of making a shaker within a tag, great idea- and yeah ~amy~!

Michelle said...

Three lovelies today! Danielle (love the sparkle) and Amy( love the burlap) did a fantastic job, and your kraft with white embossing is just perfect!

Kristie Goulet said...

Great tags today! I love your sweet gingerbread men, Tracey!!!

Marilyn M said...

What sweet gingies on your tag today.

Janet's Joy said...

These tags just make me smile!!

Monika/Buzsy said...

More sweet tags! I should get busy with mine, instead I am just looking and looking... love the white heat embossing on craft Tracey! :)

BeverlyBL said...

Wow! So many cute ideas for tags. Great job, everybody! Love'm all.

Barb said...

Another fab post with awesome tags! I'm so glad I'll be able to look back on all the inspiration from this month when I'm ready to make tags for my Christmas gifts!

Sue D said...

How cute. I like the white embossing and coloring on kraft.

stampwithsandy said...

So many tags to case, so little time! I'm especially in love with shakers, and Danielle's is gorgeous!

Joyce said...

Love the tags today. They are especially cute.

Deepti said...

Fabulous tags! I love the Christmas colors on kraft :)

Shelly said...

Awesome tags, along with another dose of inspiration!!! Love!

Lisa Petrella said...

Every time I have a chance to check out what's going on in blogland, I look forward to your 25 Days of Christmas Tags posts!!! All of these projects are so fabulous and so inspiring!!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Love the little gingerbread people.
I make all of my gift tags so I'm loving this hop. So many great ideas.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Wow these are fabulous! So in love with the shaker tag!

LauraJane:) said...

I must say many of the tags are inspiring cards for me:)
Thanks Ladies!

Kay Miller said...

Oh my goodness what fun tags!! I love them all! Your white embossing on the kraft is wonderful!!

Unknown said...

More and more great tags every day, I am impressed!

Lindsey said...

So loving these...though you are making my wish list grow considerably!

Kim S said...

I haven't been commenting on each post but I have to tell you that's a highlight of my day to look at your tag post!! What a fabulous designers (including yourself!) that have all gathered together for this!

Rubeena I. said...

your tag and the guests' tags are STUNNING. love how different yet beautiful each one is.

Kara said...

great tags today!

Lisa Elton said...

Terrific inspiration from today's guests Tracey!! And might I say I'm smitten with your gingerbread couple!!

Jean Bullock said...

I am thoroughly enjoying this hop. I haven't made very many tags and I am getting some great inspiration from the talented designers.

Jean Bullock said...

I forgot to mention how cute your gingerbread people tag is. Also I could not find Tracy's project on her blog.

carol (krillsister) said...

Cute tags. Love your gingerbread folks. Pretty twine.

Sue McRae said...

That shaker tag is so fun! I've only made shaker cards but I think I need to make one with a tag.

Shona Chambers said...

That gingerbread couple couldn't be more adorable, especially the girl. What a sweet tag!! And I'm off to visit the other girls, their tags look amazing.

Denise Bryant said...

Getting so many fabulous ideas for tags! Love your sweet gingerbread tag with the cute red/green/white twine!

My Paper Epiphany said...

I love them all! The shaker with the mason jar is so festive, adore the burlap and chalkboard, the layered tag is so much fun and the gingerbread tag is so sweet!

Kim Heggins said...

Tracey...another great day of over the top fabulous tags!

Sabrina said...

What cute tags! I love your shaker tag!!!

Lizzie T a/k/a Wifelady said...

Love all these fabulous tags!!!!

Amy C. said...

Beautiful! I especially love the burlap tag.

Judy1223 said...

Wow, I love ALL the tags today!

Mary-Anne V said...

Adorable little gingerbread the embossing on kraft.

Anita in France said...

Wow, Tracey ... gorgeous shaker from Danielle, fab chalkboard look from Amy and what wonderful texture from Tracy! And your tag ... such completely adorable gingerbread people ... yummy! Anita :)

Sandi said...

Love Amy's chalkboard tag....I just might recreate that. Thanks for all the awesome inspiration.

Kris in Alaska said...

I love white embossing on kraft cardstock!

TracyM #6773 said...

FUN & FABULOUS tags :)
LOVE Danielle's shaker ... I really need to try making one!!!
LOVE Amy's chalkboard STYLE :)
LOVE Tracy's elegant layers!!!
LOVE your SUPER CUTE Gingerbread couple - white & Kraft is always FABULOUS and your pop of red & green in their clothes & twine trim make the perfect Christmas touch :)

Karenladd said...

Love these projects, especially the mason jar! Great gift packaging ideas!

cm said...

Another trio of talented designers joining you today. Your tag, with the sweet gingerbreads, has me giggling! They remind me of my frolicking, rambunctious niece and nephew! Love it!

liz said...

Love Kraft with white embossing!

Iris said...

Super cute projects.
isoscia at aol dot com

Iris said...

Super cute tag - love the gingerbread people.
isoscia at aol dot com

Amanda said...

I love Neat and Tangled! The tags that they created are great. I especially like the shaker tag. Great work, ladies!

Crystal said...

I love your coloring on the kraft card stock!

Crystal said...

I love your coloring on the kraft card stock!

Unknown said...

These are so lovely!

Megan said...

More fun tags!

Anonymous said...

LOVE shaker tags!! Wonderful ideas and inspiration:)

maria f. said...

I can totally see your tag on a bag of homemade cookies for the neighbors...

Chark said...

I want all of these tags!!

Indy's Designs said...

Just love white embossing on kraft! Darling card!

karenelr said...

What a sweet tag--Even though the characters are colored in, it looks like gingerbread because of the kraft tag!

ionabunny said...

Love that burlap tag. Hugz

Helen Gullett said...

Amy's chalkboard tag is so cool! Love the idea using it with burlap :)