Even at 15 I got a picture for the first day of school. She was freaking out 30 seconds before this because she had to get going and hurry up with the camera Mom! I hope this energy to get going to school keeps up all year. It is not hard to capture a smile these days as she just got her braces off last week! She loved her card I made her from
CASology week #6.
Ben goes back to school on Thursday and has already informed me that we stopped doing pictures of him in grade 9 and it would be back luck to start up again in grade 12.
oh your daughter is beautiful!!
super cute CAS card!!
Oh no...you'll keep going through grade 12 :) You should see the look I captured from my 9th grader. I'll post it later this week! Love your daughter's gorgeous smile!
What a great photo! Hope you can sneek one of Ben too.
So how the heck are you anyway Tracey? Glad to see that you are scrappping away!
Love your card, Tracey! And your daughter is so happy and beautiful! I hope that I am still able to snap first day of school photos when Leah gets older.
Look how pretty and happy she looks! Hopefully you can be sneaky and get one of Ben too!
What a great first day of school shot. She sure looks happy to be getting out of the house!
Perfect for the Honor Roll. Thanks for the sweet visit and luv. Hugs
Great card, and I love the picture of your daughter!
Your daughter is beautiful. Love her smile. Cute CAs card too!
So sweet and I love her smile. I did not give my children a choice, I snapped away. :) we all love the card you made for her!
What a sweet post and cute card!
wonderful card, and photo of your daughter! :)
Fantastic photo! ;-) I hope she has a good year, too!
She is just beautiful and her smile is one that could make even the grumpiest person smile ;)!
I too love this card! Your daughter is beautiful!
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