
December 5, 2024

An Update

Hi there friends!

I'm popping in today with an update. It's been a week since Snowmaggedon and we have been getting just a bit more snow every day! With all that snow you might say we are going to have a white Christmas, and we probably are but next week the forecast is rain! We'll see how it plays out.

I held off about as long as I possibly could to post this but I'm afraid it does not look like the postal strike with Canada Post is going to end any time soon  It makes me so sad to say, I don't think the strike will end in time for me to mail out Christmas cards this year! 

Don't knock me off your lists yet, I will be back mailing cards out next year!

Wishing you all the happiest of holidays!



  1. I'm so angry that they wait until Christmas card season to strike... I'm waiting but have yours all ready to mail when I hear that the strike has ended!
    Merriest Christmas ever to you, James, and the family! xx

  2. I had a card all ready to send your way! Thinking of you, sweet friend and wishing you a very Merry Christmas followed with a happy and healthy New Year!

  3. I mailed yours before I heard about the strike. That's what I get for being so efficient. lol Maybe it will arrive at some point but meantime I'm wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year, Tracey.


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