
November 6, 2017

The 25 Days of Christmas Tags 2017 - Day 6

Welcome to Day 6, if you are just arriving for the first time all the details and the linkup can be found HERE!

Today I am welcoming Lil' Inker Designs as my guest!

 They are offering a $35 gift card to one lucky winner!
The design team has more gorgeous Christmas tags for you today..

Laura Pryor - owner

Laura Pryor - owner

A few from the 25 Days of Christmas Tags Design Team...

...and one from me!

Tracey McNeely

Happy Hopping!


  1. I struggled for a while on this one, but opted for taking elements of the wreath to create a different kind of tag.
    Thanks as always everyone. 🙂

  2. Such a huge variety in colours and shapes. Love them all!

  3. I LOVE your hipster bunny, Tracey! Hopefully I am not too tired after work tonight so I can work on some tags. This is soooo much fun.

  4. Another day of amazing tags! So much inspiration! I need to get on the ball and make some tags! :)

  5. Oooooh these tags are all so beautiful. I have to say though that I’m inspired by two tags today - both by Laura. I love that adorable scene with all those lovely details in her first one. I’ve never made a shaker tag before and love the second sample and must try this! Thanks for all the yummy eye candy today!

  6. Oh my goodness there is not one of them I would love to use as inspiration. It's going to be really hard to choose. Awesome tags.

  7. Your tag, Tracey, makes me smile!!!

  8. Gorgeous tags today from Lil' Inkers! The ornament shaker tag especially caught my beautiful!

  9. These are delightful little works of art!!

  10. I love Lil’ Inker. Lots of beautiful tags and good sentiments.

  11. ooh these are cute!! I love Lil Inker Designs and am excited to have just got a few of their products for the first time! I'm going to have to sit down today and stamp today for sure!

  12. Great tags and great inspiration.

  13. Oh my goodness, what awesome inspirational tags!

  14. So much inspiration! So little time!!!!! Love them all!!!!

  15. All the Christmas tags are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing...

  16. I love the first
    tag with the cats!
    Too cute. Another
    lovely set of tags.
    Carla from Utah

  17. Awesome tags, I especially love the holy leaf boardered roundish tag!

  18. So cute love looking at all of the different styles!

  19. Amy's tags are great.
    Love the white on the chalkboard.
    So often tags end up in the trash
    so I only do the fussy tags for
    those I know who will appreciate
    thanks for having the hop.

  20. Beautiful tags once again! thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Oh my goodness Tracey your card is so cute and I actually have this set (minus the tag die.) What amazing tags AND products, love Lil' Inkers! Well I have to say I have pinned a LOT in the past few days but today, I pinned every one as the ideas were endless! I can't wait to get time to get to work...Thanks for the fun!

  22. Wow--lots of inspiration today! Gotta get the 2 tags I've made posted--had so much fun making them! Thanks for continuing this great event!

  23. These posts just keep on giving. There's so much to love with these tags. Thanks for sharing.

  24. I like all of the little tags.

  25. Awesome hop - so many gorgeous design to inspire:)

  26. Your hipster bunny is so fun Tracy. I also like the tags with black bases -- they have a really dramatic impact.

  27. The first tag on top of today's post is one done by Laura Pryor and uses a CUTE cat stamp set. I ordered this set last week as a birthday present to ME from ME. When I saw that tag today, I was hoping the mailman would deliver the new set....but alas it was not meant to be (sniff, sniff). Since I wanted to do a tag TODAY, I was inspired instead by Laura's shaker tag. Course I could have done a tag for everyone's many cute tags and ideas!!!!! FUN day of tags!

  28. All so fabulous. My faves are Karen's Star of Wonder and Heather's peace tags.

  29. Great hop, great tags - so much inspiration.

  30. I love lil'inker, these are fabulous, especially love the chalk board art!

  31. So many fabulous ideas with these amazing tags. I love Laura's (and had to stop by to tell her so). I've been SO inspired every day.
    Karen Letchworth

  32. I am inspired by the chalk on the black card stock. What a great idea. Coloring on dark card stock is the new rage right now too. I will have to try that

  33. There is such a variety of tags today even though there are lots of one layer tags and lots of gold embossing. They're all wonderful.

  34. Great job on the tags and all the inspiration today! Lindsey's Christmas tree tag inspires me today and had a great time making my tag!

  35. Tracey, thanks for doing this!! It is such fun!!
    Delightful tags today and everyday. Thank you to all those who submitted projects!! So much inspiration.
    Especially inspired by Jessica's tag with her lovely color palette and die cutting, Heather's kraft tag with color pencil coloring and Michele's Vintage Wreath copic coloring.

  36. Love the shaker tag with the stitching detail.

  37. So many beautiful tags in one place ... awesome sauce!!

  38. Sooooo beautiful and inspirational creations, love them all! Love your cute tag and The poinsettia on Heather's tag is looking so delicate!

  39. Your tag is super cute, Tracey! That bunny is going to put a smile on someone's face, for sure! I think the tag that inspired me the most today is the "Believe" tag with the snowflakes. I love the colors, the snowflakes, and using the word "believe" at Christmas time. It's the tag that made me want to go make one similar to it right away!

  40. Beautiful tags - Loving Chrissy's gold embossing on black tags!

  41. These were all so great. Thanks for the inspiration

  42. I love tags, and it's so much fun to see all kinds of tags! Just looking at them make me happy!

  43. Beautiful tags. The ornament shaker is pretty cool.

  44. Love your little hipster bunny, Tracy. So cute, and another great day of inspiration all around!

  45. Wow some really wonderful tags, Jessica's and Heather's I adored but so many others as well. Ton's of good ideas here. . .

  46. I am inspired by two things today...the layered look on Lindsey's tag and also the nested look onCarols tags :D

  47. So much to see and love today! Adore Michele's tag!

  48. Loving all the creativity. It’s wonderful to ones that are quick and easy for when you need to quickly mass produce some.

  49. Very cute the great team effort from LID.

  50. Goodness, love the variety of designs! Thanks to all who provided so much inspiration!

  51. What a lovely selection of tags - thanks so much for sharing this creativity!!!

  52. All these tags are really lovely and inspiring! Thank you for sharing your ideas!

  53. Tracey your tag is so so cuuuteeee Love that non traditional colors and so CAS yay
    and the TAG with cats at first row sooo cuuute
    love her coloring too
    and the second one with Shaker inside oh my... I loveeee
    From Jessica I love love that color pink grey and black
    and other Tags are so inspiring great Tags all ladies

  54. Such lovelines today, Tracey ... Chrissy's gold white and black ensemble is especially gorgeous ... and your sweet little bunny is a real cutie ... joy indeed! Hugs, Anita :)

  55. Love your hipster bunny! So cute!

  56. O wow, some amazing tags here! Everything from cute and playful to simply beautiful. I must say, though, that Jen's tag is my favourite today. It's gorgeous with the snowflakes and that great colour combination. Love it!!

  57. These tags are simply terrific! I love the "Star of Wonder" stamp on the one! I also love the way Jessica embossed her tags to make the sentiments really pop against the black; they are such elegant tags!

  58. Wow! Today, I'm inspired by the beautiful details of all these tags! Yours, it's so fun! : D

  59. I love the shaker tag...right up my alley....thanks so much

  60. I love all the tags, but really like the ornament shaker by Laura.

  61. So many lovely ideas! Today's favorite for me would be the shaker tag by Laura Pryor. Never thought of doing a tag that is a shaker, great inspiration.

  62. awwwww.....these are sooooooo fabulous! One of my favorite days!

  63. Inspired to get embossing tools and give embossing a try ... that gold looks amazing!

  64. I'm a huge Lil' Inker fan! Gorgeous tags, everyone!

  65. Beautiful tags, love the chalkboard look on black CS and the gold EP is so elegant on black too. Pretty shaker ornament, love the fonts and phrases of the sentiment tags and these critters are adorable, especially the hipster bunny, so fun and festive.

  66. Very wide selection of tags for all choices from traditional to cute, favourite is the green tree. Thank you four showing so many x

  67. Lovely tag!, every day is better

  68. Wonderful tags by Lil' Inkers. Love all the gold and clever designs.

  69. Awesome tags, I especially love the sweet kitties!

  70. What a great array of tag designs, they really showcase the versatility of the Lil Inker products!

  71. Fabulous tags! The kitties are adorable! Awesome stamps and dies!

  72. Amy's chalkboard like tag is seriously cute. Love the effect!

  73. Fun tags for another great day of tags!

  74. I can't resist a cute critter so Laura's cute cat couple and the hipster bunny by Tracey are my two top faves!

  75. Wow!! So many beautiful tags!! I cannot pick just one tag that inspires me!!

  76. Totally fabulous and festive tags!!!! I love so many of them including Laura's shaker tag with all that lovely stitching detail, Amy's chalkboard style tags, Jen's gorgeous color combo and your adorable hipster tag!!!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  77. Lots to inspire here. I think since I've made a set of cards with an ornament as the focal point, I need to make an ornament shaker tag!

  78. I loved them all but Carol Mayne's were my favorite. Really nice TAGS, well done!

  79. Once again, it was hard to decide, but I chose to use Laura's tag as my inspiration! I love the ornament cut out and the colors!

  80. I just love all of these tags! The unique shape lil’ inkers tags is so cool! I am smitten with Karen’s cas tag!

  81. love the black and white tag set and the little hipster rabbit :). great tags from everyone!

  82. Beautiful! i really love the gold and black ones :)

  83. Great ideas. I am falling love with black, white, and red for the holidays. Never knew I liked black so much this time of year.

  84. gotta be inspired by Michelle F's tag> just my style! great job, all!

  85. Beautiful inspiration today. My favorite is Heather's kraft tag. So simple and sweet and elegant. I also love Laura's shaker tag.

  86. So many festive and beautiful tags today!
    My favorites are Heather’s, Amy’s and Michele’s :)

  87. Wow, so many beautiful and elegant tags today. I especially like Happy Jolidays by Laura P., Believe by Jen C., and Peace by Heather H. Thanks for the inspiration!

  88. It was so hard to choose just one but in the end I used Michele's tag (yes, again...I'm her new stalker) for my inspiration.


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! I love to read each and every comment!