
February 22, 2016

All Barns Should Be Pink


In a perfect world all barns would be pink. When I got together a few weeks ago with the girls from Toronto --Tasha, Ardyth, Emily, Lindsey and this time Stephanie I borrowed Stephanie's MFT Barn Dies to make my pink barn. Yesterday I coloured my farm animals for Day 21 and today I watercoloured my background with Distress Inks for Day 22 of Kathy Racoosin's 30 Day Coloring Challenge at The Daily!


  1. I was in bloglovin' and I read the title of your blog and your statement. In my creative opinion all barns should be pink! Hah! Fabulous idea! Some are pink here in WI. Faded old barns. Most farmers have gone to metal now so you don't really see many of the old red wood style anymore! Cute card!

  2. I was in bloglovin' and I read the title of your blog and your statement. In my creative opinion all barns should be pink! Hah! Fabulous idea! Some are pink here in WI. Faded old barns. Most farmers have gone to metal now so you don't really see many of the old red wood style anymore! Cute card!

  3. Super cute card! I think all barns should be pink too :)

  4. Agreed!! All barns should be pink!!!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeee this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. LOL, Tracey, that is way too cute! Love your pink barn!

  6. I totally agree with all pink.. :) this is adorable

  7. Your pink barn and cute little animals are adorable, Tracey!

  8. A pink barn ... how cute, Tracey ... and so fun with those sweet animals! Hugs, Anita :)

  9. So adorable. I am not a farm girl, but I think I could be convinced if I could have a pink barn and those cute farm animals as pets.

  10. Tee hee, I'm rather partial to red barns myself (I know you're surprised) but this pink barn is terrific! The animals are adorable, too.

  11. This little pair looks perfectly happy with their pink barn! Cute card Tracey!

  12. love that barn and your critters are so cute!

  13. LOVE the pink barn, girl! So cute! Happy to hear you had fun with the girls, too!

  14. Wouldn't that be a wonderful drive through the country, with all barns being pink? Lovely thought, and lovely card to match!

  15. Oh my gosh this is so darned cute! Love the pink barn.

  16. This is SUCH a sweet card, Tracey! Love.

  17. If I had a barn, Tracey? I'd totally paint it pink!!! How else would it matchy-match the piglets???!! xx LOve your card!

  18. Oh you did do a pink barn! And I just love it! I agree, all barns should be pink :) Well, I actually think everything should be pink! :) Your card is totally adorable!!

  19. Maybe someday someone will say that the movement to turn all barns from red to pink started here!! :) Cute card!

  20. I'm so glad Stephanie lent you that die, Tracey. Your pink barn is only outdone by the darling animals so wonderfully colored.


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