
November 26, 2013

Craft Sale

I don't know about you but even after donations and giving away cards and paper crafts I am still over run with them.  I haven't done a craft show in 6 years, but when I saw they were having one at the elementary school right behind my house I called to see if there were any tables left.  That was last Wednesday, the show was on Sunday.  So I pulled it together and still felt the need to make more. LOL

The sale was for Walk Pink and the proceeds went to the Breast Cancer Society, so for a good cause. A good day not a lot of traffic, I think because it was our first burst of frigid weather. A bit of excitement when the waffle station in the front foyer set off the fire alarm, so we had to vacate the building until the fire department got there.  A funny site to see all the vendors out in the cold holding their cash boxes--LOL.

I like seeing what other people are doing at their craft sales so I am sharing a few pictures. Just ask if you have any questions.  The two biggest sellers were the Santa notebooks I modeled after my Santa card in the Lil' Inker release and the hanging card bags {thanks Laurie for creating such a fabulous die!}

Oh and the aftermath.  Nobody's perfect you know...I'm not even showing you the other table!


  1. Oh's a good thing for DH's wallet that we don't live closer. I'd have spent the entire Christmas budget at your table! How wonderful for you to do this. Exhausting, I'm sure, but fun and for such a good cause. Way to go! Bev

  2. Oh, your table looks lovely! I run hot & cold about craft shows...I like to make stuff but I hate it when it doesn't sell and I have lots left over! Your items are beautiful, though and it was for a good cause. Personally, I think your area looks pretty good. I just did some stuff for my Curves craft show and my room is a MESS.

  3. I recognize some of your darling tags on the table. I have a friend who does this every weekend at the local farmer's market. She does well and loves it.

  4. Your craft table displays are impressive! I am not surprised that the Santa notebook sold like hot cakes! Your table looks just fine! Mine would have been worse!

  5. I love seeing the pictures of your work space and the craft fair table looks gorgeous!

  6. OK this looks amazing! I wish I was closer! I love craft sales! Everything looks so fun and I spy a cute gift bag too! :)

  7. I bet that was such fun...I would love to go to one of those sales!

  8. Looks wonderful! As for your 'mess', you got nothing on me, sister - I can barely walk into my room right now between two sets of cards for friends and all the blogging requirements! lol! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  9. I wish I lived near you ... I would have gobbled those notepads right up!!!! :)

  10. I'm surprised all of your fabulous works weren't gone in the first 15 minutes!! Your Santa notebooks are too cute, no wonder they went fast! Eeeek look at your desk, maybe we should put that photo in the CSI blog as a follow up LOL!!! Guess we know what you'll be doing tonight you night owl!!!

  11. All of your items look wonderful!!! And what a great cause :)

  12. All of your items look terrific, Tracey! Well done, you!

  13. your table looks awesome- love all your items

  14. Tracey, your table looks AWESOME...waffle station? Oh man, I'd so be there:)

    Okay, I gotta tell you, your desk is TIDY!

  15. Your cards and projects are simply amazing - and your willingness to share them for such a good cause (my sister-in-law is undergoing chemo treatments right now), is beyond heart-warming! wish I lived closer to you - I could learn so, so, so much!! Thanks for sharing the photos - going back for another round of gazing and admiring (I can 'pretend' I was there...).


  16. Love your Santa's notebook too! You desk looks pretty clean to me...

  17. Your table looks awesome and your products are brilliant! I can see why the notebooks sold so well - so cute!


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