
June 3, 2011

Leibster Blog Award

The other day I was pleasantly surprised to be tagged by Lisa of My Paper Tales blog for the Leibster Blog Award.  I couldn't believe that someone found my little piece of the Internet and found that it inspired them.  Thank you Lisa humbly from the bottom of my heart.

The aim of the Liebster Blog Award is to bring recognition and exposure to small blogs who have less than 300 followers. If you accept the award, you then agree to tag three other small blogs that you would like to recommend to others.

I have chosen to tag the following three blogs that I visit regularly and find their work so wonderful and inspirational. 

Cathy Weber  - Empty Nest Crafter -
Kara - KandRdeisngs -
Christina - Sea Glass & Sentiments -

Ladies, please know that you are under no obligation to tag anyone if you'd rather not, but I hope you visit and enjoy these beautiful and inspiring blogs as I do.  While you are there become a follower so you can continue to enjoy.  Have a wonderful weekend.