November 22, 2014

25 Days of Christmas Tags - Day 20

Day 20, we are entering the final stretch, five more days after today!

I am loving all the photos in the the 25 Days of Christmas Tags Flickr Group!
Thank you for sharing your inspiration too!

As we move through the 25 days you have a new opportunity to enter for the prize draw every single day! The main prize draw HERE has five opportunities for you to enter and all the other days from Day 2 on you have one opportunity a day.  You also have an opportunity every day to visit my guests and comment on their blog posts for yet another chance. As long as you enter on or before November 27th 11:59 pm EST and follow the entry guidelines.




Today my guest is JJ Bolton, her blog is the Ribbon Girls!
You see her fabulous talent everwhere.

Here is the tag she created for us today!

I broke open some new Lawn Fawn Snow-day patterned 
 papers, A Lawn Fawn Stiched Journal Card die for my tag base and then used today's new RetroSketches  sketch for my tag...


For a chance to win one of the prizes leave me a comment telling me if you wait for Thanksgiving to be over before you can even thing Christmas?

Thank you JJ thank you for sharing with me today as my guest.

Don't forget to comment on JJ's Blog for another chance to win!


Alanna said...

Your tag is so cute. I love the shape of it.

Isabel Z said...

How cute is this?

Rubeena I. said...

lovely tag. no, x-mas planning starts before!

Lenora said...

This is adorable!

Janet's Joy said...

Sweet tag Tracey! I don't purposely wait but it seems to happen that!

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

I must confess that I bought a Christmas ornament the other day, so guess I'm a before Thanksgiving girl-- and I'm trying to get my holiday cards ordered ASAP.

Maria said...

Just as CUTE as can be, Tracey! Love the papers, design, and darling heart with scarf!:-)

Lynn said...

Oh those patterned papers are adorable! Love, love, love them.

Kristie Goulet said...

Super cute tag, Tracey! I am not seeing JJ's tag here. I will check her blog. We have already started decorating our house for Christmas. :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Love love love these!! And we just decorated the inside of the house last night with our Christmas decor ..if that answers your question! LOL!! :)

I Card Everyone said...

That is usually the case, Tracey... but this year? With all of the extra cards I'm making, I needed to start earlier!
=] Michele

Betty said...

i do wait until after Thanksgiving for shopping and decorating - but have been making cards all year

Lindarub said...

Love Your Tag.

Michelle said...

An amazing tag - love the pp/colors and love these LF stamps!
Yup....thinking about Christmas, but not much activity yet!

Anita in France said...

JJ's gift card tag is so sweet, Tracey ... and I love yours ... you've used those LF papers fabulously to hightlight that sweet and cosy heart! Whilst we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, I usually use the end of November as my prompt to start all things Christmassy! Anita :)

diana said...

Great tag! I need to use more DP in my cards & tags. ;-)

stampwithsandy said...

Cute, cute tags! Love all things Lawn Fawn! I've already put a dent in my Christmas shopping and more than halfway through making cards!

~amy~ said...


Marilyn M said...

Love this cute tag...the scarf on the heart! My shopping is close to complete. Now the cardmaking begins.

ktfabian said...

Love all the tags. I start my shopping for gifts before Thanksgiving, and working on cards, but decorating the house, putting up the lights outside and such wait til after Thanksgiving.

Lesley said...

Both tags are super creative!

Kay Miller said...

Awwww both yours and JJ's tags are adorable!! You can't go wrong with Paper Smooches and Lawn Fawn! Beautiful work for both of you!! And no of course I don't wait for Thanksgiving to be over to think about Christmas. I think about Christmas all year!

Lizzie T a/k/a Wifelady said...

What a cute tag - so creative to put the little scarf around the heart! I am thinking about Christmas before Thanksgiving but like more preliminary planning, but once Thanksgiving is over I go into full Christmas mode! There's so much to do!

Anonymous said...

I wait until after thanksgiving to start decorating. I've been thinking about Christmas cards (need to start them pretty soon). I don't do a lot of decorating so I don't have a lot to plan for that.
Do need to get out and put the lights up outside while it's warm this weekend. Then I'll be ready for Dec 1 to turn them on.
I'll miss having the tag inspiration when this is over next week. thanks for having it

Lisa Elton said...

I like JJ's pocket tag, so cute!! And your's my friend is Fabulous!! Love the playful look of this one with the RS design and cute papers. I might think about Christmas before Thanksgiving, but I don't decorate, not even the day after!! I like to give Thanksgiving it's due and let Christmas wait until Dec!!

Barb said...

Adorable tags from both you and JJ!

pcm said...

i start thinking of christmas one halloween is over!

Renee M said...

Great tags, and I love the little scarf on the heart :) Autumn is my favorite season, so I refuse to do any decorating for Christmas until Dec. 1, but I will do crafty Christmas prior to Dec. :)

Iris said...

Yes, I wait until after Thanksgiving to start working on Christmas stuff. I make my cards in mid Dec and sometimes don't decorate the tree until Christmas Eve.
isoscia at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Christmas THINKING begins before...not much action, but lot's of thinking!

Sue D said...

Very sweet tag. I like the scarf around the heart.
I do some thinking about Christmas before Thanksgiving but do not decorate until after.

carol (krillsister) said...

Your tag is a great take on the sketch. Very creative. I think about Christmas all year long, making cards and also trying to have the majority of my shopping done by Thanksgiving. As for decorating I wait until Thanksgiving is over.

Meghan said...

Seriously cute tag! Love the layers! Since I'm Canadian like you, Thanksgiving comes so early that I most definitely wait for that to be over before I think of Christmas!

Unknown said...

Can't wait until after Thanksgiving. I have been making Christmas cards for months!

cghundley said...

Love your tag!
I have already
started getting
a few gifts, but
don't put up decorations
till December.
Carla from Utah

Amy C. said...

Yes, I like to wait and keep Christmas in the correct month!

Unknown said...

I count Thanksgiving as a very important holiday as we all need to be more thankful. Sadly it gets pushed aside by Christmas. Yes, I wait until Thanksgiving is over before I decorate for Christmas

Connie G said...

I love what you did with this tag! The little scarf around the heart- precious! Love the colors.

Sue D. said...

I usually wait until Thanksgiving is past before getting into Christmas. However, I sometimes make some Christmas cards beforehand. Both of your tags are cute.

Joyce said...

Love your wonderful tag, and JJ's cute gift card holder tag. Well, I think about Christmas a lot earlier, because of all the crafty stuff for sale!

Jean Bullock said...

Love your tag. I so appreciate this hop. I need to make tags this year and I am getting so many wonderful ideas. Thank you.

Jean Bullock said...

Whoops forgot to tell you about waiting for Thanksgiving to be over first. No, I start thinking of Christmas before so I can get my cards made but that's the only reason.

Lynn Put said...

Super sweet tag! I like how you created your base from a stitched die cut panel and your layers and vellum heart look fantastic.

Sue McRae said...

How fun is the gift card tag and the vellum heart with the scarf is so clever. Since our Thanksgiving is so early (Canada) I don't really start thinking about Christmas until after Remembrance Day.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Both so adorable! Your question for today is an easy one for me - Thanksgiving is not such a big holiday in Canada - and it's held in October - so my answer is yes!

Denise Bryant said...

JJ's tag is adorable! Love how it holds a gift card And I love your sweet tag with the vellum heart! Awesome sentiment and details!
I do like to wait til after Thanksgiving to start on anything Christmas!

Diane said...

Your tag is so cute Tracey.

Hugs diane

Monika/Buzsy said...

What a sweet gift card holder tag from JJ and pretty tag from you Tracey. Love the vellum heart with the scarf. What a neat idea. I don't decorate before Thanksgiving, but I do buy presents when I see a good deal, I do start on Christmas cards before...

Barb Ghig said...

Fabulous tag, Tracey! I love these patterned papers and how you lined up those darling ornaments along the border! Great idea to use the sketch from Retro Sketches, nailed it!
Thanks so much for sharing JJ's tag with us...I love it!

moknowsall said...

Beautiful tags. That little snowman is too cute. The gift card holder is perfect for gift giving


Katie Ann Brooks said...

stinking cute! I love that snowman.

KERRY P said...

Love both tags! And yes, Thanksgiving must be enjoyed and completely over before I start to think about anything Christmas.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Those snowmen are timeless! Love the card too!

Sandi said...

I love Thanksdgiving but I must confess to thinking more about Christmas right now and I even have some Christmas decorations up. (gasp!!)

Anonymous said...

So cute!! I have been planning for Christmas for a while now:)

Karenladd said...

I actually think of christmas throughout the year,lol!

Shona Chambers said...

I love those Lawn Fawn papers and desperately wanted some but each time I go to order they are sold out!! We don't have Thanksgiving in New Zealand but I can't wait till Dec 1st because that's when we put up our tree and all the decorations. So much fun with the kids!!

Barb said...

I just love that little snowman tag. Super job!

liz said...

This one is cute. Love the ne of paper!

Mary-Anne V said...

Adorable snowman tag. I already think of Christmas way before Thanksgiving since now that I moved to the US they come so close together.

TracyM #6773 said...

JJ's snowman tag is SO CUTE and your tag is SO SWEET Tracey!!!
LOVE your pretty papers & vellum heart wearing the scarf, PERFECT for the sentiment, LOVE the stitched base too ... I think I will have to start collecting stitched dies now :)
I've been thinking Christmas all year long, still deciding on my designs, time is getting tight to get them made & posted by 1st December isn't it??? Think I will be sending a few Happy New Year cards for some instead ... hmmm, that's a brilliant idea - I could make some of those pop-up box cards - THANK YOU for getting my thoughts in order :)

Crystal said...

I've been thinking Christmas since December 26th of last year! I love to shop for bargains right after Christmas & look at them in different ways, such as--i found this great set of candles in sale for $5, what can I do to make them special for someone next year? I do that all year long & have my Christmas shopping done by October. Then I just craft.

wendipooh13 said...

amazing work!!!

we wait till after dec 7, that is my daughter's bday cuz I don't want to have christmas decor in her bday pics every year.

DeeDee said...

Adorable! I must wait till Thanksgiving is over!!

Unknown said...


Thanksgiving is at my brother's house this year so I don't have to worry about getting my house ready. I'm getting the Christmas itch already and would love to start prepping for different activities during Christmas!

Megan said...

I used to hold off until after Thanksgiving, but it's been so snowy where I live already, couldn't help but enjoy some Christmas music.

karenelr said...

Oh these tags are unbelievable! I love the fact that one is a gift card holder--she did a great job. Your tag--is adorable--the scarf around the heart! I love it!

Kathy Mc said...

Great job, JJ & Tracey! Oh, I definitely think about Christmas before Thanksgiving but don't take too much action. Have made a few Christmas cards already but only for challenges (not my mass-produced one yet).

maria f. said...

First heart with a scarf I've ever seen. Probably not the last now!

Chark said...

I'm getting so many ideas for tags this year! love these!

Indy's Designs said...

Oh the heart with the cute!

Lindsey said...

Love JJ's work. What a fun guest. And I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love that you dressed up the heart. So cute! I have so much to do before Thanksgiving that I'm wishing I had a few more days. But I think my toddler is definitely ready to jump into Christmas. He definitely "gets it" this year.

My Paper Epiphany said...

We don't have to think about Thanksgiving in Australia, but when it starts to get hot we think about Christmas and summer holidays! Funny huh?

ionabunny said...

Fab tags. Definitely wait til after thanksgiving to think about Christmas. Hugz

Ruth G said...

Wonderful papers and sweet image and sentiment! Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring!

Jamie said...

Love your tag! I usually wait till after Thanksgiving:)

Helen Gullett said...

Great take on the sketch! Turn out so cool :)

Crafting with Jeanne said...

No way. I start thinking about Chirstmas around August. I always make tons of Holiday cards so I can send them to people who are collecting them for good causes. For Christmas 2016 I sent 30 cards to a woman in Texas who sends them to US sailors, and another 100 to Caring Hearts Drive for elderly folks in nursing homes. But I also love your tag challenge, Tracey.